Entering into force agreements of lands of the Northern Triangle with the EU on asylum


A few minutes before the end of his term as President Donald Trump logró la firma y entrada en vigor de acuerdos con El Salvador, Guatemala y Honduras, countries that form the North Triangle of Central America, which allows the revolution in those countries of migrants who cross their territories to escape to United States y pedir asilo.

Estos acuerdos son similar al Migrant Protection Memorandum (MPP), a program initiated by the Government of Trump af 2019 by the number of decades of people who will cross the front on EEUU and pidiendo asilo han sido devueltas a México, donde han de aguardar el traumat of sus solicitudes.

“Bajo el liderazgo del presidente Trump, el Department of National Security “every effort is made to mitigate the humanitarian crisis and security on the front lines”, a statement from the internal secretary of National Security, Chad Wolf.

The agreements were initially signed in 2019, and the pact with Guatemala is expected to take effect in September. The application of the agreements with El Salvador y Honduras if demo has been this month.

“The practice in these areas will strengthen the general capacity of asylum seekers in the north of the Triangle and throughout the region, allowing women to seek asylum in access to more protection of their people”, added.

The entry into force of the known -comocides as ACA for its English voyage – with the three Central American countries permitting the envoy of “eligible migrant persons who can search for humanitarian aid in any of the countries” with the rules establishing the rule.

Follow me DHS, the number of firms “reaffirms its commitment to combat mutiny, including international organizations and commuters, migrant smugglers, drug trafficking and human beings”.

The critics of the migration policy of Trump han señalado que el MPP y ahora los acuerdos ACA fuerzan to the migrants to hope the treatment of their asylum seekers in territories where there are evictions to the violence and, in many cases, to the subsistence in camps with increased protection and attention to health.

Grupos defends the loose migrants and provides information on the beginning of November 2019 and March 2020, EL Gobierno de EE.UU. return mail to Guatemala One 1,000 people who have been granted asylum, and only 2% of those who apply for asylum have been sent to that country.

The Vice President of EE.UU, Kamala Harris, has criticized these agreements with President-elect Joe Biden, who will hold the Presidency on January 20, 2021, and has not announced plans to replace or replace the asylum covenant agreements.

On the gobernoa platform Democratic Party it is indicated that the Biden Administration search “expand the efforts to register and process the refugees for resentment in United States and other lands “.
