Enter a robber in the house of La Diosa de Cuba

| 11/04/2021 – 07:17 (GMT-4)

Cantante Dianelis Alfonso Cartaya, known as La Diosa de Cuba, denounced in his Instagram account that two ladies entered his robe.

The artist has a vigilance chamber installed in the portal of his living room, which clearly captures the entrance of a man who has left the curtains that are instituted in the portal.

“Anoche dos locos se metieron en mi portal y termininaron grabados y yy hay uno preso. Muchachos jovenees, increíble como está la gente, qué horror”, relató la reguetonera.

In the video, posted on his Instagram account, he watches a young man, with mascara and a bear, as he pulls out the small wall that borders the home. Once inside, the ladron will gather the two silos and the steps to make the acre, antes de saltar elu newly made the via public.

In a posterior publication, The Goddess shared an image of her in the playhouse on which she lived and spent time on her own.

“Yemayá dice que todo esta bien y yo confío en ella, dice que cruzaré sus mares a tantos lugares que ni yo me lo imagino”, escribió.

In November, the singer sang a direct transmission on her Facebook wall to show the advances of in the new house, the one who thinks he can sleep very soon with his family.

In the video, La Diosa makes sure that buying his life has the result of much effort.

“Si esto lo he logrado es peleando poco a poco”, afirmó.

Dianelis sees the huge garden that surrounds the house and the main portal of the entrance, with sufficient space for his dogs to play and run freely, including the houses for the animals.

“Hasta aquí llego hoy, hasta portal y el jardín, porque adentro se estta pintando, se standon poniendo los splits y esas cosas, pero quiería compartirlo con ustedes que son los que semme estan conmigo”, dijo.

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