Enrique and Meghan dejan the social speeches

London. Los duques de Sussex, Enrique and Meghan, and he redesigned a social plan and “no planean” offered a Twitter version of Facebook, but promoting the work of su nueva fundación Archewell, informa este domingo “The Sunday Times “.

The periodic, which is close to the parish, defined in the United States, is also known as ‘Es muy onwaarskinnich’ wat weer opnuut ‘n las redes a titulo personal, tras los atraques sufridos desde se se casaron sobre todo ella.

The decision by the Sussex to announce the separation of the British monarchy in order to impose its own projects and financial independence marks a new step in this separation, despite the rotation.

The queen Isabel II, the prince Carlos and Camilla in the dukes of Cambridge, Guillermo and Catalina, differs between the activities and works of Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, between other channels.

Antes de casarse with the principle Enrique on May 19, 2018, Meghan Markle, known as an actress in the series “Suits”, has a lot of presence in the speeches, with 1.9 million followers on Instagram; 350,000 on Twitter and 800,000 ‘me gusta’ on Facebook, ‘The Sunday Times’.

It also has a web page and a blog about live style, Tig, where you can promote companies and products that support and offer food and travel tips.

In April 2019, Enrique and Meghan, who had more than one year and a half in common, Archie, beat a record a million followers in his six hours on his Instagram account @sussexroyal pero, tras romper la Casa Real para trasladarse a Norteamérica, la pareja dejó de usar esa marka.

Agreed with the periodical, from now on the dukes of Sussex, who in November revealed that in July habían lost a baby, centered on promoting his work in videos on the Internet and with television interviews in his election, and he works from his Archewell website, which launches in Nochevieja.
