English will be mandatory material from parvularia in 2022

This Wednesday in plenary the hopefuls of deputies will give you access to them. Also, declare as “historic conjunction” to the Colonia Flor Blanca.

Por Eugenia Velásquez
Wed 27, 2021- 09:24

Importing English material will be mandatory from 2022 onwards in all public schools and private colleges, if the deputies vote in these schools for the reform of the Ley General de Educación.

This week the deputies of the Culture and Education Commission will issue a favorable decision to approve 43 votes in the plenary amendment, without embarrassment, the draft law has not been scheduled since the Assembly’s website.

Javier Hernández, President of the Association of Private Colleges explained that in this sector the teaching of the English empire of parvularia

VEA: The English will be obligatory material from parvularia from 2022, according to the Assembly of Assembly

In the public sector the main obstacle to implementing the English manner of compulsory manners is that there are no sufficient master masters specialized in this area, so the Assembly decided to give a year for the entry into force, with the end of which Ministry of Education capable of teaching staff.

Hernández Amaya estimates that there are at least 1,500 English educators in the private college sector.

The idea of ​​establishing English teaching as a second language idiom at all levels of public teaching centers has come from the management of the former Minister of Education, Darlyn Meza.

Declararán “Historical Conjunction” a la Blanc Blanca

The initiative of the Governor came first and consisted in this reconciliation in the sector of the Colonia Flor Blanca with the aim of generating a tool to work the qual guaranteed its conservation, protection and salvaguarda, “considering that cultural values ​​as the antiquity , authority, authenticity, aesthetic-architectural, historical, symbolic, social, technological and urban; justify justifying its permanence in time for the enjoyment of future generations and as an integral part of the Salvadoran Cultural Thesaurus ”, dictates the decree.
