Enfoque: International Relations – The wall on the front line enforcing between ‘nationalists’

Ruddy L. González

Since November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall was announced, the world has agreed that, in addition to the political symbol that it represents – the finale of the ‘Guerra Fría’ – was the clarification of the barricades of series of geographical divisions what happened. Pero nr.

From 1989 onwards, more than half a centenary of the world and the Dominican Republic were on the list.

The governor has announced, in the wake of President Luis Abinader’s speech in the Legislative Chambers on 27 February, that it will be called a ‘valley’ – which is the same as a separation wall – in order to establish more effective controls on the conflicting, ‘porous’ and sensitive front with Haiti.

The walls, ‘valleys’, barriers of different types and denominations that are visible on the fronts – and are located in territories of a different nation to ‘separate’ sectors – by war, as the case of Israel that has six barriers in tornado to its limitations with Cis Jordan, the French of Gaza, Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon, but the majority of the construids have the proposal to treat the illegal immigrants, as well as Europe, with France and Spain in the zones of Calais and Ceuta, in America in the frontiers of the United States of Mexico and of the last one with Guatemala.

The project to raise a wall that separates the third from the Dominican Republic of Haiti from the widening of the divisive line marked by the internationally designated denominator, was announced by President Abinader establishing that “in a space of two years, we will have problems Illegal immigration, drug trafficking and the transit of robotic vehicles that take place from years ago and log the protection of our territorial integrity that we are looking for from our Independence ”.

Nacionalistas y prohaitianos

Discussions about the state of relations with Haiti have escalated into the last years, with its load of passions, struggles and controversies, divided between groups of self-appointed nationalists and other qualified people like the Haitians. 168-13, dictated on 23 September 2013 by the Constitutional Tribunal, which establishes first the most clear concepts regarding the status of foreigners – in the case of the Haitians is the emblematic theme – indicating that only nationalities are considered births in national territory of dominican fathers or legal residents.

The status of Haitian immigrants – the undocumented, illegal majority of those who do not have a real inventory – has provoked discussions about having a strong component of its incidence in the national economy – the construction, collection of toys on the campus -, the sanitary theme with the large amount of women who come to fill Dominican public hospitals, and the cultural, religious and religious differentiation barriers of the idiom.

The ‘nationalist’ groups call for the so-called ‘Pacific invasion’ of Haitians in Dominican territory, while the pro-Haitians claim respect for the rights of any person and solidarity between nations and citizens.

Hastas had one of the Haitian residents in the country concentrated in the entrances of the caesarean production zones, but in that which of these sails was inserted in the generality of the areas of activity of the countries of the Grand Mayor working in constructions, private and governmental, in winding-up sales, but also as security guards, gardeners, public transport drivers and in the private sector and has other activities in official institutions. In general, living groups in the cities and their participation in the criminal commission are not alarmingly high.

“I believe that the initiative (of President Abinader) is interesting, but it does not believe that it can solve the problem of the frontier or Haitian immigration,” commented the UNESCO Dominican Ambassador, Andrés L. Mateo, in an interview with the program El Rumbo de la Mañana. Positions in this sentiment are shared by smaller groups of groups on the frontier problem and that abogan, regularly due to the military presence and the use of technology must be to maintain a frontier control stricture, both in the field of immigration as with the trajectory of prohibited merchandise, such as drugs, arms and robotic vehicles.

On the other hand, the most conservative and pro-nationalist groups are radicals in total control of the frontier, through the media including the promotion of a separation wall.

“This announcement by President Abinader recognizes the support of all the Dominican people, and first of all there is a decisive intention to give up control over the uncontrolled immigration of Haitians to our territory”, said the former deputy and leader of the FNP , Pelegrín Castillo, to be interviewed on the program El Rumbo de la Tarde. The FNP has set itself the goal of reducing the ‘desahaitianizacion’ of the country, the frontier control and the propulsions of the delivery of a wall divided by the frontier.

For political analyst Orlando Gil, “the walls have a clash… the attempt to demonstrate the case of Donald Trump’s governor with the frontier in Mexico… because there is no agreement with the walls, then this is a lot of money and he has no results nada, lo que tienen que hacer las autoridades et tener controlelos ”, explained in a commentary on the television program Oye País.

100 million and two years

The ‘valley’ that President Abinader announced will cost more than $ 100 million, according to Chancellor Roberto Alvarez, who is seeking median funding to pay a large sum of money and build one of these buildings. According to the information from the Canciller, it is claimed to cover 190 kilometers – the front has an area of ​​390 kilometers – of the numbers currently have ‘valleys’ of 23 kilometers in which zones between the nations, and places considered ‘high altitude’ are checked and it is hoped, according to the official, that the finals of 2021 will be 30 kilometers ‘covered’, especially in what are considered ‘easy access zones’.

“In the second half of this year 2121 – the President Abinader in his speech of February 27 – we will build on the dividing line between countries: Dominican Republic and Haiti, the new security measures of security, which combine the “Physical and technological media and include a perimeter-side double wall in more conflicting trams and a simple rest, in addition to motion sensors, facial reconnaissance cameras, radars and infrared radar systems”.

And he explained that “with all these and in a place of two years, we will end the serious problems of illegal immigration, drug trafficking and transit of stolen vehicles that we have taken years and log the protection of our territorial integrity that lifts bus ademas, as much as our Constitution, recently created the Security and National Defense Council, by presidential decree, in the wake of which we will approach the march on the full protection of our front ”.

The construction of the ‘vallas’ will be tendered and will have the financial modality, said the Canciller, who was contacted by the companies, an Israeli and another Spaniard – there is already a dozen of North American, Israeli and European companies dedicated muros y / o ‘vallas’-, experts in this type of work. “The objective is to create the conditions for logging various objectives.
