Encuentran muerta a exmilitar transgénero fue expulsada del ejras tras sexo

Seoul, South Korea

A military operation that has been blamed for the tragedy has led to a surgical intervention by cambio de sexo, fue hallada muerta, informs el mercoles la agencia de prensa Yonhap.

The body of Byun Hee-soo fue hallado en su domicilio de Cheongju, sur de Seúl. The police opened an investigation.

Byun Hee-soo, a sergeant of a year old, voluntarily enrolled in the marriage as a man in 2017, antes someterse a quirurgical operation in Thailand for a sex change.

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Compared to other countries in Asia, South Korea is deeply conservative about aspects of sexual identity and homosexual relationships between militaries are susceptible to being penalized. Converted to female, communicated to her jerky on his warrant of execution.

A military commission ordered in 2020 by the expulsion of the military institution, is that the Ministry of Defense considers that the loss of its parties geslagsorgane constitutes a mental and physical problem.

Through his eviction, Byun salió del anonimato para verdediger su causa. “I’m Military of the Republic of Korea”, dijo con la voz temblorosa. Explain that being a military man is a child of childbirth but that suffers depression due to “gender disobedience” or gender identity transfer. Here is your choice of operation.

“I want to show all the world, that independently of my sexual identity, can be one of the great soldiers who define the country,” said Dicho. “For your own good, this opportunity”, the young man implored.

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Military service is mandatory in South Korea, where the area is mainly covered by the protection of the territory before the development of the north. All men need to complete two years of military service.

Byun was the first surrogate soldier to undergo surgery for the change of sexual identity during his service. International human rights associations have been denounced since time immemorial sexual relations between people of the same sex followed a lawsuit filed by the Korean military.

The surcorean excommunication applies implicitly to the soldiers who maintain homosexual relations, which can be traced back to years of imprisonment and forced labor by a court of law.
