EN VIVO: Olimpia is waiting for Vida and announcing the final of the Apertura ante Motagua – Diez

Good luck, welcome to the Olimpia-Vida semifinal minute by minute!

MIN.45 Term the first time. Olympia without a doubt are 2-0 up at Vida, who will play in the National. Arboleda and Jorge Álvarez scored the goals.

MIN.41 GOOOOL del Olimpia. Jorge Álvarez suelta un zapatazo para ponder el segondo los losone que se encaminan a la finale.

MIN.33 Amarilla for Jorge Álvarez who made a mistake with Escalante in the midfield.

MIN.30 Carlos Meléndez del Vida, the king of the city, recaptured and mastered the kingdom. It was well received.

MIN.29 Fuerte entered from Carlos Meléndez against Arboleda. The bitter apple tree and the zaguero of the Vida are salvaged by the king.

MIN.27 GOOOOL del Olimpia. Yustin Arboleda opened the National Cup and finished in the final.

MIN.17 Sale en camilla Carlitos Pineda e ingresa Jorge Álvarez. The jugador merengue koop en llanto del Nacional y va directly to the doctor.

MIN.15 Terrible the lesion of Carlos Pineda; the judge of Olympia takes the rodilla and appears to be serious. Ya piden cambio.

El volante del Olympia, Carlos Pineda, lamenta tras lesionarse la rodilla en el juego ante Vida.

MIN.12 First Olympics pilgrimage, led by Eddie Hernández, per the Wisdom Quaye salvo in the goal.

MIN.10 It is reported that Diego Reyes’ delinquent suffered a broken fracture in the nasal tube and was receiving medical attention.

MIN.4 Olimpia made her first move as Diego Reyes was unable to recover. Colombian Yustin Arboleda enters.

MIN.2 The Diego Reyes delantero received medical assistance through a strong case in a dispute over the pelota with the Argentine Mazzola.

MIN.1 Arranca the party in the National. En la ida empataron sin goles en La Ceiba.

3.54 nm The National Police has installed a large operational area of ​​the National Stadium where many of the Olympians’ victims are located, in order to avoid any anomaly.

3.50 nm The winner of the race between Olympia and Vida will be joining Motagua as he wins 4-1 in the global Marathon.

The National Police has set up a large operation to prevent the officers from being able to use the National Police’s noise.

3.42 nm The Ultrafiel has installed a lion support banner in the ramps of the National Stadium.

3.41 nm The teams are completing the calendars and briefing themselves from the locker to the compromise they initiated at 16:00

The Ultrafiel, organized by the Olympic team, is the ally of the team from the stadium of the National Stadium.

15.11 Both Olympia and Vida need to win to reach the final, here is no position on the table. If you have another empathy, define the finalist of the penalties.

Asia form Olympia: Edrick Menjívar; Maylor Núñez, Jonathan Paz, Johnny Leverón, Samuel Córdova; Carlos Pineda, Deybi Flores, Edwin Rodríguez, José Mario Pinto, Eddie Hernández and Diego Reyes. DT Pedro Troglio.

The 11 of Life: José Mendoza, Carlos Sánchez, José Velásquez Colón, Carlos Meléndez; Dennis Meléndez, Jonathan Mazzola, José Escalante, Carlos Argueta, Alexander Aguilar and Luis Enrique Palma. DT Nerlyn Membreño

Olympia vs Vida
Time: 16:00
Stadium: Nacional
Árbitro: Armando Castro
Transmite: TVC – channel 5
