En el Congreso Nacional repudian “ataque violenceo” van manifestante van 30%

The presidents of the two legislative chambers will review the violent activity that results in the structure of the National Congress of Protestants demanding the approval of the Ley project, which seeks to increase 30 per cent of the Pension Funds.

Aunt Eduardo Estrella, President of the Senate of the Republic, like Alfredo Pacheco, President of the Chamber of Deputies, will take part in the protest against the passing of the Jews.

Concerning the above, Pacheco indicates that the Disciplinary Board of the Chamber of Deputies was in favor of the situation and hoped to receive a communication from the Senate in more detail.

“I have demonstrated to the President of the Senate that he intends to send a communication to the Chamber of Deputies. When we send the letter to the Disciplinary Board which will tend to manifest and make recommendations to the Chamber of Deputies in full”, Pacho explained .

In the same way, he anticipated that from this legislative organ “this type of hechos will not be impeded”, moreover from the time he took to take a decision on the violent hechos, led by the deputy Pedro Botello.

Of his lad, the President of Senado, he says that he respects the protests, but always of “pacific” form.

“I believe that it is an incident that is a lie like the National Congress, like the Senate of the Republic, it has much to say, but only for senators, also for employees, visitors. I believe it is a lie that has to be respected Whoever can demonstrate, opinion, dissent, but always within the market of the order and respects the public and institutions “, expresses Estrella.

While respecting the information about the high-profile cases, it is clear that the Legal Advisory Service will send the details to the Chamber of Deputies, including the videos released at this time.

In another order, the President of the Senate says that the project he is looking for will increase the 30 per cent of pension funds as has been agreed by the Social Security Commission and that we have not been informed.
