Empieza in France sues Ikea over alleged espionage of its employees

The juicie of the franchise Ikea, accused of having created an illegal vigilance system for its employees, including the trade unionists, embezzled this Monday in a criminal court in Versailles, near Paris.

The branch of the Swedish furniture giant – is being prosecuted as a legal entity and legally represented by its adviser and finance director Karine Havas– will be paid a total of 3.75 million euros (4.4 million dollars).

También also judged five people, among them tenants, police officers, and executive officers, such as the director general Stefan Vanoverbeke (2010-2015) and his predecessor Jean-Louis Baillot.

This case, revealed in 2012 by the satirical seminar Le Canard Enchaîné and the information website Mediapart, was denounced by a union and provoked the despair of four other directives of the company.

The investigation is under way, according to the Versalles tax office, the existence of an “espionage system” for employees on behalf of employees who are extending by all countries.

Following the accusation, it receives information from various personalities, among them unionists, and analyzes its criminal precedents and its style of living.

It is a juice that must be exemplified “, dijo Adel Amara, exdelegado of the syndicate FO at an auction of Ikea in Franconville (Val-d’Oise), before the audience.

“We are here to demonstrate that we have this type of maneuver in the companies that pay attention to unions and all employees”, said Amar Lagha, Secretary General of the CGT Union in the trade and services sector.

But there are some defensive advocates, the investigation has many debilitating points. Olivier Baratelli, Deputy Director of Human Resources Claire Héry, dijo que abogaría por la nulidad del caso, denunciande una “fabulala fabricas por los syndicatos”.

The juicio will last until April 2.

Lists of people

The accusers tend to respond, between other loads, to those of collect and disclose personal information illegally, violate professional secrecy and disclose these disputes, which exposes some of them to a maximum of ten years of imprisonment.

The accusations compared by hechos abarcan the period 2009-2012 but these practices are reminded of the principles of the decade of 2000, following the accusation.

In the coronation of this “system” was Jean-François Paris, Executive Director of Risks of Ikea France, present at the audience this Monday.

Following the investigation, Paris is sending lists of “examiners” to private investigation companies, to which the Ikea branch has a presumption of between 30,000 and 600,000 euros annually (between 35,000 and 715,000 dollars).

These are lists that the company’s executive director has received from those in charge of the tithes, he was sent to Jean-Pierre Foures, director of the company of “business consultancy” Eirpace.

Jean-Pierre Foures has been accused of using, by means of police agents, the STIC (registered infringement treatment system), a computerized police file, to access confidential data.

The four policies involved will ensure its embargo on the investigation that has not received any economic compensation.
