Emmanuel Macron assures that the United Kingdom will follow France’s “friendship and alliance” with Brexit

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to French President Emmanuel Macron at OTAN meeting in Watford, United Kingdom (REUTERS / Christian Hartmann)
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to French President Emmanuel Macron at OTAN meeting in Watford, United Kingdom (REUTERS / Christian Hartmann)

The French President Emmanuel Macron affirms these jews in its end-of-year message that includes Brexit, the United Kingdom will be followed by “friends and allies” of France.

“The United Kingdom is looking at our future with both our friends and allies. This is an election to abandon Europe, this is Brexit, the fruit of European malice and many lies and false promises ”, dijo el jefe de Estado en un discurso retransmitido en televisión.

Macron endorsed that the European Union firm has agreed with London to “organize our future relations defending our interests, our industries, our fishermen and our European unity”.

“But I would like to say very clearly: our destination is all European ”, added the French president, and underlined that French sovereignty “requires a more powerful, autonomous and more united Europe”.

Macron says that he and his governor “have the capacity to carry out the necessary transformations and to promote our credibility” in the context of the global coronavirus pandemic.

Emmanuel Macron brindo este jueves un discourse of end of year (REUTERS / Charles Platiau)
Emmanuel Macron brindo este jueves un discourse de fin de año (REUTERS / Charles Platiau)

Thank you for this, “we can convene in Germany and lie to the European Union’s members if there is a single and massive recovery plan and decide on a common debt and solidarity to prepare for our future”.

One hour before the medians of the youths, the United Kingdom will definitely have its laurels with the European Union (EU) giving up to 48 years of agitation.

‘It’s an incredible moment. We have our freedom in our ways and depend on our approval to the maximum ”, said Prime Minister Boris Johnson in a speech before the end of this time before this historic event.

Tras haber tomado las riendas de un chaotico Brexit en July de 2019, el mandatario se apunta una importante victoria personal.

His executive included avoiding an ultimate hourly rate, logrando el jueves un acuerdo con el gobierno español para mantener abierta la frontera con Gibraltar, the small British enclave at the far end of the Iberian Peninsula.

The United Kingdom will finally deal with the European Union (REUTERS / Hannibal Hanschke)
The United Kingdom will finally deal with the European Union (REUTERS / Hannibal Hanschke)

“Never could anyone demonstrate the added value of Brexit”, affirmó on his part the European negotiator Michel Barnier on the radio RTL making sure you have a “nice deception and love” for your divorce.

Three years of chaos and political upheaval, the United Kingdom officially officiated at the EU on 31 January, putting in practice what the British decide by 52% of votes in a referendum in June 2016.

However, during one time the country was embroiled in a “transition period” during the two weeks applying European rules while negotiating its future relationship with its 27 ex societies.

The negotiation, which in various occasions appears as a destination for the phrase, acabó dando frutos el 24 desembembre: Londres y Bruselas cerraron el traatado de libre commerce más completee en exhaustivo posible en el plazo rrecord de diez meses.

With that said, the EU is offering an unprecedented access without any quotas to its huge market of 450 million consumers in exchange for a British compromise to meet standards that evolve with time in medioambiente, derechos laborales y fiscales, to avoid all competency desleal.

It is avoided that in the 23 (local and GMT), medianche in continental Europe, chaos is being created in the British fronts, its gates are being blocked by the accumulation of cargoes sometimes in adverse tracts and the United Kingdom sums up the product range at the sadness of a third provocation provoked by a coronavirus force resurgence.

With AFP information

Read more:

The Brexit British fisherman: “Boris Johnson’s trader has given us a free kick and we will not kill him”

The perspectives that are taking place in the United Kingdom after Brexit: more bureaucracy and inflation in food and medicine

The European Union concludes agreements that regulate its trade relations with the United Kingdom after Brexit
