Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel condone the expulsion of Russian diplomats to join the markets in support of Alexei Navalny

Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel (John Thys / Pool via REUTERS)
Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel (John Thys / Pool via REUTERS)

Los jefes de Estado de Francia, Emmanuel Macron; and Germany, Angela Merkel; Condemn the expulsion of Russia’s diplomats to support the opposition protests in support of the Alexei Navalny.

The French President repudiated with “the mayor company“El hecho. “About the case Navalny, as he said, condeno con la burgemeester firmeza possible lo ha ha sucedido, desde el envenenamiento hasta (…) la condene, y now the expulsion of German, Polish and Swedish diplomats decided by Russia”, Dijo at a press conference.

For its part, Merkel classified as “unjustified” the decision of the governor ruso y sostuvo que “Aleja” in Moscow of the principles of the state of Derecho. German cancellation manifests itself over Moscow’s announcement during a video conference of the press conference convened with the proposal Macron at the end of a bilateral defense defense conference between Germany and France.

Poco antes, the Minister of German Exteriors, Heiko Maas, is expressed in terms similar to y notice that habria has a response if Moscow does not modify its decision. Russia’s decision to expel various diplomatic missions of the European Union, including an official of the German embassy, does not have any justification and disturbs Russia’s relations with Europe”, Dijo Maas.

Según Maas, the German diplomat affected only complete your information rate of what is uncurred in its destination country through legal media.

Police officers detain a man during a protest in support of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny in Vladivostok, Russia, on January 31, 2021. REUTERS / Yuri Maltsev
Police officers detain a man during a protest in support of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny in Vladivostok, Russia, on January 31, 2021. REUTERS / Yuri Maltsev

Este viernes, Russia declares no gratuity to three diplomats from Germany, Poland and Sweden to support the anti-government protests in support of Navalny, according to the Foreign Ministry of Russia.

“Diplomats participating in illegal actions have been declared ‘person not free‘in correspondence with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (…). If the order abandons the possible antiquity of the territory of Russia”, Exterior information in a communication.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs convenes the ambassadors of these countries to express his “protest” raises the participation of officials of the Consulates of Sweden and Poland in San Petersburg, and of the Embassy of Germany in Moscow on the 23rd of January. Assimilation, subtraction that takes action “inadmissible who do not correspond with his diplomatic status”.

Moscow calls the diplomats of the three European countries to Athens “strictly”To the standards of international law.

The 23rd and 31st of December passed by miles of rusos protest pacifically in various Russian railways in support of Navalny. The leader of the Russian extra-parliamentary opposition fue encarcelado the pass 17 of January and condoned the pass 2 days to a real pen of three years and mid of carcel in case of violation of the conditions of his suspended sentence, the charges must be completed 2 years and 8 months after counting ten months of domicile arrest.

The protests were not carried out by authorities violently reprimand by the police, with a balance of more than 10,000 detainees, according to the Independent organization OVD-Info.

(With EFE and AFP information)


Russia expels three European diplomats to support Alexei Navalny’s opposition protests
