Emmanuel Gigliotti plays with COVID the final

The Argentine ariete, who scored goals to secure the title of the Bajío, also apologized for not saying he was positive

Emmanuel Gigliotti, delantero de Leon, accepted as playing the final of the world Guard1anes 2020 ante Pumas contagious COVID-19. The Argentine ariete, who met with goals to secure the title of the Bajío, also apologized for not saying he was positive.

“I played the final second without saber, contagious, because on the other day I went to Argentina, I had the PCR that I pedian in Argentina and I was positive and wanted to decide that the final the game with the bitch”, dijo a TyC Sports.

The ‘Puma’ was sincerely on the plate with the Argentine media and said that he did not think it was positive that he had the proof to go to his native country. Prohibition of probes, Leon and the MX League do not report the case of the ariete in the previous week.

In equal form, Gigliotti is content to be content with the Green Panzas and help the title with the goal of empathy in the game of idea, as well as the one that marks the marker in the part of the world.

“In June, I came up with an idea for the team that will play better. We will first and foremost read the league. You have to be sure to play and cooperate with the goals to become champion ”, added the South American.
