Emma Roberts loves mom

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The news of his embarrassment was a surprise to Emma, ​​but she confessed that she had not been able to marry him, when she was diagnosed with endometriosis. “In the finals of the 20 years, I felt the sensation that I needed to change to a doctor. The best decision. I tried it, I sent it to a specialist. Finally, it was confirmed that it was not very dramatic. my fertility. Me dijeron, ‘Probably deberías congelar tus ovulos o investigar otras optionen’ Dije, ‘Estoy trabajando ahora mismo. No tengo tiempo para congelar mis ovulos. Para ser honesta, también it was aterrorized. Solo the idea to pass on it and discover, tal vez, que no podría tener hijos “, expressed a Cosmopolitan.

The notice of his embarrassment was a surprise to Emma, ​​but she confessed that she had not been able to marry him, when she was diagnosed with endometriosis. “In the finals of the 20 years, I felt the sensation that I needed to change to a doctor. The best decision. I tried it, I sent it to a specialist. Finally, it was confirmed that it was not very dramatic. But for emotions, I was affected by my fertility. Me dijeron, ‘Probably deberías congelar tus ovulos o investigar otras optionen’ Dije, ‘Estoy trabajando ahora mismo. No tengo tiempo para congelar mis ovulos. Para ser honesta, también it was aterrorized. Solo the idea to pass on it and discover, tal vez, que no podría tener hijos “, expressed a Cosmopolitan.
