Emma Coronel in prison: the poem of “Chapo” received the most desperate mention since it was detained

The ring was made by Emma Coronel with more than 350 items and she was not allowed to make any personal visits, she was able to get in touch by phone with her friends (Photo: Telemundo pantyhose)
The ring was made by Emma Coronel with more than 350 items and she was not allowed to make any personal visits, she was able to get in touch by phone with her friends (Photo: Telemundo pantyhose)

The encore to Emma Coronel it’s a little trickier than it is to be able to walk with his hats on two occasions, declared his lawyer and friend Mariel Colón.

Joaquín “el Chapo” Guzmán’s wife has been reported since the week ago it differs from el, which is found in the maximum security card ADX Florence, she was able to talk to the little ones over the years: Emali Guadalupe and María Joaquina.

“Only you can talk to your close family and nieces, with them she has been on two occasions, she is very happy to be able to listen to the voices of her little ones and they are very special, his little ones for his son the light of his eyes ”, detailed Colón in interview with Telemundo.

Emma Coronel Aispuro, fue puesta en custodia el 23 de februar de 2021. Foto: Balju van Alexandria / Handout via REUTERS
Emma Coronel Aispuro, fue puesta en custodia el 23 de februar de 2021. Foto: Balju van Alexandria / Handout via REUTERS

The Puerto Rican litigant is destined to have sex with his little ones the interview with Emma Coronel to increase your anonymous status, and now the team is a little quieter. In addition, of its spouses, the female has the authority to deal only with her team of lawyers and her most close family.

“Its status is the same, it can deal with it, in case all the days with frequency, the terms of confinement are not changed is in a very small cell, does not have access to any outdoor patio to breathe fresh air, as long as you have access to a salon where you can make social calls, you can take four days a week, only you can see a time on the television ”, abundant in his friends too.

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The days of Emma Coronel Aispuro off prison han sido con free, poca posibilidad de hygiene y with the time that he retaliates against her, then federal agents have declared various media outlets that have Joaquín Guzmán Loera, el Chapo, moves to cooperate with the Sinaloa Card, a light-hearted version with which it is clear that it is concrete, because the affected can take grave graves against their desires from the beautiful queen of beauty.

Colón Miró enfatizó que María Joaquina y Emalí Guadalupe, the friends that Emma Coronel procured with the leader of the Cardinal of Sinaloa, are in serious trouble because Podrian suffers from the consequences of the statements made by EU media agents such as Mexico. For another lad, no quiz validates the version of the pact, but also the descarto.

Emma during visit to New York in the juice of her esposo in 2018 Photo: (Captura de pantalla Telemundo)
Emma during her visit to New York in the juice of her husband in 2018 Photo: (Capture of Telemundo slippers)

“The Coronel Senator have two little ones, who now lamentably stand by their actions of others what fueron tan poco ethics and deshonestos, made actions very disgraceful, his people, reality, without scruples”, Aseveró.

In his case, the lawyer was questioned about Emma Coronel’s crime, but she was custodial in a prison where she could not do anything she had to do. Pero it is a practice that affects the cooperating parties is a practice generalized by those who affect their interests o advierten que serán incomodados. Agrego que los Government officials actuaron a sabiendas de esas consequenceas.

More than a week has passed since the ex-model was insured on February 22 at Dulles Airport in Washington. Mariel Colón Miró related to Infobae México row note nervous to his client the first days and aggregate that being through the journeys is not exactly an unacceptable condition for nadie.

Through the interview for NTN24 Colon Miró dejó will show a few more of the conditions that Emma Coronel has, at the point of bad treats. For one thing, bañarse is not a recurring option, in addition, the nights are very free and with the lights on the grid all the time.

Bailey Ishmael joining Emma Coronel (Photo: Drew Angerer / Getty Images / AFP)
Bailey Ishmael joining Emma Coronel (Photo: Drew Angerer / Getty Images / AFP)

‘Se la pasa with a lot of fries, only one very fine cobbler, he pedido que le den otra cobija, no se la quieren dar, no le quieren dar chamarra, no le quieren dar abrigo, no le quieren dar nada par el elo poder sentirse un poco más caliente, on the other hand, it is possible to have diarrhea, so this week it will take days off without any problems..

‘Burden lights are on for the 24 hours of the day, complete with lights on, very inconvenient; no puede tomar agua embotellada, no le venden agua embotellada, the water that permits tomar is only the water of the lava, of its lavamanos, pero the water sabe tan mala, sabe tan repugnante, que eltro día que intentiono tomar le dio nauseas, la vomitó because it is malice ”, the defender accuses.

Emma Coronel is charged by Conspiracy theories to import heroin, cocaine, marijuana and methanepetamines. If a criminal offense is declared, he will pay a minimum of 10 years in prison and a maximum sentence of perpetual debt, plus a fine of up to USD 10 million.

Dámaso López was detained in 2017 and charged with perpetual fraud,
Dámaso López was detained in 2017 and held a perpetual trial, which led to the arrest of “El Chapo”, which was sent to Emma Coronel as part of the cartel’s operations Photo: (Impression print)

Agreement with the approval of the case 1:21-mj-00240, fue mensajera de su esposo Joaquín Guzmán Loera and conspiracy for the drug drug case EEUU, both actions, between 2012 and 2017. Además to plan the fugue of Chapo af 2015, in direct messages from the godmother of one of her wives: Dámaso López Núñez, Licensed Guzman Loera.

It is located at the Alexandria Detention Center, Virginia, along with 350 more locations. According to the dates of the imprisonment, the visits in person were suspended from March of this year.

Mariel Colón insists that his client be treated in the best way possible (Foto: Captura de pantalla / ntn24.com)

Prohibition of sin, he implemented videos for families and friends of friends, but open 10 minutes every week between martens and fires, previa cita and with initiatives of the detainee person. The detainees also has a phone call schedule every day.


“If a crime is committed against Emma Coronel that the governor will not know”: as Jeffrey Lichtman explained on his TV show
Emma Coronel’s lawyer assured that the authorities would filter information to “feed” the Chapo husband and his wife
Nervous and in the early hours of the day: Emma Coronel’s hours on the train through the tracing of his computer
