Emma Coronel and El Chapo: The Crunchy Influence of Women in Mexico’s Narcotraphy Cartels | Gente | Maintenance

The United States’ accusation of the recent detention of Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán has been described as the highest degree of crime.

The judicial decision on Emma Coronel, who is in charge of international drug trafficking, states that the young tenure is absolutely aware of the operations of the Sinaloa cartel conducted on its premises and that, presumably, participates in some of its operations.

“The coronel intends that the drug’s entrants who are in control of their matrimony with Guzmán derive their intentions. (from the drug to EE.UU.). From 2012 to 2014, Guzmán sent messages in number to promote drug-related activities while he intended to avoid being caught by Mexican authorities, ”the document reads.

The 31-year-old has been accused of conspiring to make “El Chapo” escape from a caravan in Mexico while paying a millionaire so far as it works, which will eventually be extradited to New York and held for perpetuity.

The court will determine the veracity of this investigation in which anonymous cooperative testimonies and cards will be issued, in order to adjudicate on charges, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI, by its seal in English) will state clearly that Coronel was in absolute interest in the “El Chapo” negotiations.

As supuestamente in his case, the presence of the women in the drug trafficking and other activities of the crime organized in the last years in Mexico and, with this, his role also varies.

“The paper of women in general has increased in these organizations. Coronel came from a family of drug addicts and, by virtue of the fact that she has, is not a person who could have been passive, “he said, adding that he had heard about it, BBC Mundo said. Alberto Islas, security expert.

Emma Coronel: from what was published in “El Chapo” Guzmán in EE.UU. y por qué su arresto parecía “onvermydelik”

Exactly by this condition and by the characteristics of an absolutely dominated world by men, understand the motives behind which the women are implicated in it more substantial result which associates with a simple and unique desire of power and money.

Role Diversities

According to the 2020 news, “Women and crime organized in Latin America: more than victims or victims”, women “should not only have a multiplicity of roles, but oscillate fluently between conditions of victims and objects and the protagonists and active subjects criminal offenses ”.

No obstacle, the information from the Universidad del Rosario in Colombia and InSight Crime identify that the mayor of women in these groups asumen role criminals of low responsibility that the male leaders delegate.

The Mayor of Women in Crime organized a role of responsibility that the black men organized. Photo: AFP

These papers are available from drug trafficking companies, as “mules” for transportation, in the logistics and finance organization or in drug trafficking or “drug dealing”, among others.

Without embarrassment, and even though it is a minor minority, the distant study that also has women “who own distinct papeles voluntarily propia, que pueden ser protagonicos ya veces de liderazgo ”.

In the case of Mexico, one of the most recognizable numbers is that of Enedina Arellano Félix, who at the moment Mexican authorities consider the single woman to be in front of a narcotics organization to be the Tijuana cartel’s boss.

Conocida como “La jefa” or “La narcomami”, llegó a esa position despue de que casi todos sus hermanos varones —fundadores del cartel— perdieran la vida o fueran capturados por las autoridades.

United: the new drug trafficking in Mexico

Who is the “Queen of the Pacific” released from prison in Mexico

Otro caso muy gewilde es el de Sandra Ávila Beltrán o “The Queen of the Pacific”, when the accusation was made in 2007 of being a key figure in the operations of the Sinaloa cartel.

However, it has always had an influence on drug trafficking and some of them, more so than its activities, have actually become more famous for creating the novel “The Queen of the Sur”, as its author Arturo Pérez-Reverte said.

Ávila relates his story in the book “La reina del Pacífico: es la hora de contar”. Photo: BBC

También está Leticia Rodríguez Lara, known as “La reina de la Riviera Maya”, which controls this tourist area and is committed to defending its market against the Cartel Jalisco New Generation of “El Mencho”.

O Ignacia Jasso, “La Nacha”, one of the pioneering women in drug trafficking in Mexico, dedicated to drug trafficking in the Chihuahua state since 1930.

Victims and sentimental relationships

“I’m sure that, and probably revenge for the evolution of gender equality in recent years, there is a ‘bad’ empowerment of women who are leading the way in criminal structures” in a few words from the BBC Mundo Sandra Romandía, Mexican periodical specialized in narcotics themes.

Narcotics in Mexico: the mysterious life of the families of drug addicts

However, the expert states that in a large number of cases there is a fundamental factor in the time to extend the status of these women in the organized crime: his familiar or sentimental relationships.

Thus, many of the cases, cases or cases that have been filed by plaintiffs have been involved in the cartel litigation process, including alleged misdemeanors that were committed or committed by detainees, such as Enedina Arellano.

We see, for example, the antiquity of the detention of the leader of the Santa Rosa de Lima cartel, José Antonio Yépez “El Marro”, when his mother, hermana and prima fueron also arrested as financial operators of the criminal group were released after being sentenced to torture.

On many occasions, novices or possibles of acaban leaders are subjected to submissive offenses against men to be used, for example, to help them commit crimes.

Following the information from Insight Crime, the collection of women in Latin America for crimes committed in organized crime, especially narcotics, has increased over the past decade.

In Mexico, the general female carcinia population increased to 56% in 2010 and 2015, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography collected by the information.

The number of women in prison in Mexico increased by 56% between 2010 and 2015. Photo: GETTY IMAGES

“It has been documented that there are no deaths, but there are many women who follow the law on drug offenses, lo hacen por lealtad a sus parejas o por amenazas de ellos”, Destaca Romandía.

According to the expert, many of these situations surgen a machete scheme in which the women have ten help to say no, the more they have with the value structure of the proprietary gender “and have nothing like a desire to power them” to get involved in this business.

“Y, in many cases, there is nothing more than an inertia to follow the familiar business because it’s what they do the day, and it’s what they do ”, author of the book author “Narco CDMX”.

Feminicidios and crimes organized

According to data from the emergency service 911 in Mexico last month, in turn 60% of the female assistants have been entrapped in 2020 with the organized crime.

But I do not want to say that all the women are involved in this. On occasions, new, were found in a species of collateral losses from the activities of its partners.

Up to 60% of women’s assessments during the first months of 2020 in Mexico are related to organized crime. Photo: AFP

“Someone is assigned simply because he or she has a parenting relationship with the opposing group. También algunos usan los cuerpos de las mujeres para mandar mensagejes amenazantes a sus rivales ”, le dice a BBC Mundo la investigadora María Salguero.

Salguero, creator of the Map of Feminicidios in Mexico in what he has recovered from all those who are registered in the country, say that these deaths were committed in the crime organized also in a pandemic, which demonstrates that “we do not kill all women estaban siendo assesinadas por sus parejas en el confinamiento ”.

The expert does not deny that he or she may be directly involved in drug trafficking, but including in these cases, he warns that many cases are related to his gender and explain his decision.

“Casi always has stories of desigualdad from them. If you are a drug addict, you can win like a dollar for a package you sell. Son mujeres kwesbaarhede que a veces tienen que sacar adelante a la familia, does not find work … and is involved in these groups, many times are also motivated by the entourage ”, explains.


The reality of many of these women is described by the experts, as far as much of the image of the glamorous or glamorous show that some movies or television series about “reindeer of narcotics”.

The concept of narcotics is what exacerbates the violence of the narcotics addict and all the money won with his criminal negotiation, while his women are many times the victims of the world of organized crime cases as objects that men use to exhibit their power and success.

The number of “El Chapo” was included registered as a mark by one of his brothers to produce tequilas, joys and other articles and as a way to attract public attention. Photo: AFP

These are women, popularly known as “buchonas”, presume con organ of being the pair of a criminal leader and of the life of lujo which allows them to take place in the form of joys, cars of lust and surgical operations for lucrative cultural pursuits.

This derroche culture and ostentation of the diner suele becomes more habitual among sentimental couples of media outlets or media outlets of criminal groups.

But it is much to the attention of the Coronel, being the subject of one of the most outspoken capes of the world as the “El Chapo” fue, present a media and public presence.

In the last months, promotional companies between their cases have a million Instagram followers. Intent to create a brand of clothing and accessories with the number of his martyrdom and including appearance in a television program focused on the life of individuals or families at some point with cartels.

“His activity and lack of discretion were defiant and, inadvertently, with this protagonism in the media. stabbing crossing red lines in terms of tolerance de las autoridades ”, told BBC Mundo Javier Oliva, analyst and expert in security at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Politics of the UNAM.

Coronel has a very small media presence between large drug paraphernalia. Photo: GETTY IMAGES

It is clear that the crimes committed in the crime scene have not been answered correctly, inadvertently, in the presence of anecdotal evidence in comparison with the men. Pero Romandía pronostica cambios.

“I do not have a female leader who is giving in to the authorities. But it is likely that we will see in the coming years, for the important paper that some are standing in tamor minor bands ”, dobbeltsteen.

“I did not attend a very obvious media exhibition in order to create a character or an alien around them… but I would like to meet”, concludes the periodical.
