Emit unusual alarm for activity in volcanoes of islas in el caribe

Volcanoes that have been silent for decades are regressing to life in the Caribbean, which has caused officers to issue alerts in Martinica and San Vicente and the Granadinas are looking for scientists looking to study the activity they are watching hace años.

The most recent advertisement is the March issue of the volcano La Soufriere in San Vicente and the Granadinas, an archipelago of islands with a maximum of 100,000 people. Offices report temples, gas emissions, formation of a new volcanic dome and changes in its crater.

The Agency for the Caribbean Emergency and Disaster Maneuver said on March that scientists would observe “a effusive eruption inside the crater with visible gas and vapor”.

The governor warned that those living near the volcano should prepare to evacuate if necessary, declaring it to be an orange alert. This means that the eruption can occur within 24 hours of anticipation.

La Soufriere is located in the northern part of the Isla skoolhoof van San Vicente, and the last time he had an eruption was in 1979 and 192, when he had a population of 1,600 people.

This haberdasher just happened to notice that the volcano Mt. Pelee in Martinica hiccups erupting and leaving more than 30 miles of people bankrupt.

Mt. Pelee has also been active for a while now. In December, officials from the Caribbean Territory of France will issue an alert alert to the seismic activity near the mountain. It was the first alert of this type emitted since the last volcano was staged in 1932, by Fabrice Fontaine, of the Volcanic and Sismological Observatory of Martinica, ‘n The Associated Press.

While the Oriental Caribbean is a wide range of active and extinct volcanoes, the volcanologist Erik Klemetti, the Denison University in Ohio, the activity in Monte Pelee and Soufriere are not related.

While the Oriental Caribbean is a vast chain of active and extinct volcanoes, the volcanologist Erik Klemetti, of the University of Denison in Ohio, says that activity in Monte Pelee and Soufriere are not related.

“It is not as if a volcano were to enter into an eruption that would kill them,” he said. “Cae in the coincidence category.”

Dijo that the activity is evidence that the magma is approaching both earth and percolating the surface, although it was added that the scientists did not have a very good compensation of what controls the speed that succeeds.

“The answers are not all satisfactory”, dijo. “It is the science that todavía is investigating”.

Klemetti said he was the most active volcano in the last years in the Oriental Caribbean on the Soufriere Hills in Montserrat, which he built continuously since 1995, destroying the capital of Plymouth and killing at least 19 people in 1997.

Ten of the 19 volcanoes living in the Oriental Caribbean are located in 11 islands, and the rest are near the water near the island of Granada, including one called Kick ’em Jenny which has been active for the last few years.
