Emilio Osorio da positivo a Covid

Juan Osorio, through his Twitter account, revealed that he was Emilio Osorio, had a positive result on the tests of Covid19, for he who pays the brindarán his support during the confinement.

Minutes before the howling revelation qn his social speeches a sencillo, pero punctual message in the que confirm which has been added to the list of known viruses.

We remember that his father, the producer of telenovelas Juan Osorio, recipient salié adelante de la enfermedad that he had to think that he would lose his life, then the sinful viruses would dig for it, including having to use oxygen to perform his diary activities.

emilio osorio juan niurka covid

“Banda, su apoyo es muy importante. Emilio esta confinado por dar posito de COVID, ayuden a que no se desespere. Gracias valedores”, recalculate the product or the su cuenta de Twitter.

The probe revealed more details of its footprint, Emilio Osorio only to write: “Positivo. Pero no más que yo chiki”, in his social profile.

It supports on the part of the followers no hizo hope and the diverse environment Positive messages, we will write the recommendations for care during pregnancy.
