Emilio Izaguirre reveals that he has two offers from Peru and El Salvador and will celebrate the anniversary in Motagua – Diez

The lateral Emilio Izaguirre is preparing to debut in the tournament Clausura 2021 with Marathon. “Milo” is a part of the treaty that he received from Héctor Vargas, the offers that you have and the relationship with Motagua.

Ascenso files: Brasilia ficha dos hijos de ex Marathón, Juticalpa y Pinares se siguen armando

Tuvimos varias ofertas de afuera del pais. De Perú, El Salvador el FAS y Limeño ek llamaron. The Vida was the first of the National League and then Marathon. Because of many factors, one of them is the pandemic, because we have our fathers, I have my wife and I am responsible for them. We offer deals, we do not have to worry about the capital, but we have the opportunity to do so and now we are close to Tegucigalpa. We are dependent on the family or the traumos here “, said Cinco Deportivo.

Emilio made five trainings with the verdicts and began to announce the idea of ​​Héctor Vargas. Will you change your style of play ?, we consult.

“As much as you can help the girls play fast with one of the tasks. I know that I like to play the tasks for dynamic training in the team and in Marathon we have three teams and the best is that there is a small group que escucha y jovvenes que quieren aprender.Solani, Arriaga y “Machuca” se acercan “, sentencio.

The former executor azul hopes that the conjunctive verdict will sum up the experimenters Mario Berrios y Carlo Costly, who trains with the team.

“Ojalá tengamos la oportunidad que se quede Mario Berríos, que es un referente y Carlo Coslty que van a aportar mucho. Hay chicos com Adrián, que me ha gustado la mentalidad, quieren aprender. Esperemos que todo sea para bendición y para objectre logger que is the marathon champion “, aggregate.

How to end your relationship with Motagua? “It’s very difficult, I’m hoping to do it. I’m very tired of it, but football’s asi. duro fue por la familia, que lo resintieron pero hay ser ser fuerte. I’m bad, I always have respect for the player and I like it “.

Gritará a todo pulmón si le anota al Motagua

Emilio visited us at the Camagas del Motagua. Debut with the capital team in 2004 and in 2010 they marched on Celtic de Escocia.

Now listen to defend your second team in Honduran football. When did the Cyclone go to party? His response was immediate.

“It’s clear, the link that always celebrates thanks to God. That’s professionalism. Everyone has the respect and reputation that the link to Motagua, but inside the camp link that responds to the marathon because I open the gates. I say that they adentro del campo agarro a mi hijo y me le barro, pero afuera es diferente “.

Companion with Wilmer Crisanto:
“All those who know us know that no one is called, have more than one lora, invent some stories that do not give the case. Es bonita la sera de el de el, Marathón lo ha sentido, ha agradado al grupo”.

Habla by Héctor Vargas:
“Prof. Vargas is a very competitive technician, who demands the maximum responsibility for young people and Experiencing. “I really like the group”.
