Emilio Estefan receives vaccine against coronavirus

Emilio Estefan was invited to one of the first people of the artistic environment to punch the vaccine against the coronavirus. The Cuban producer gave the example to the Latin community in the United States and as he described it had received the first dose against the disease that caused it during 2020. Even though he had this new drug against the COVID- 19 is causing a period of dizziness in cities around the world, Gloria Estefan’s plot marks a historic hit among the most important public figures of the show.

Emilio Estefan© GettyImages
Emilio Estefan is vaccinated against coronavirus

For the sake of a message-maker in his social speeches, Emilio shares his experience with all his followers adding that this is a way for all to see normalcy soon. The gesture was applauded by many.

“I have many questions about the medicine in my confession, all to ensure that the podium is covered by the vaccine. So I decided to take the risk and ask for it to be finalized this year. Y juntos tener una luz de esperanza. “I’ve had so many people that he lost his life, that he was sick, that he passed away badly due to circumstances, think that if everything went well, this is a truck to get back to normal”, said the press.

For another lady, Gloria Estefan vermaan to all those who died 65 years ago in adulthood, who contacted the medical system of Jackson Health Hospital in Miami, Florida, in order to have priority vacancies.

Gloria and Emilio Estefan© Custom
Gloria Estefan joins COVID-19
