Emboscada counter Convoy policial deja 13 muertos and Mexico

Mexico City

A convoy integration of the personal Secretaría de Seguridad del Edomex (SS) and the Fiscalía General de Justicia estatal (FGJEM) was embassed by a group of the delinquency organized in Coatepec Harinas, lo que dejo un balances de al menos 13 dead elements.

Of the elements fallecidos ocho serian statatales y cinco ministeriales, sê verslae.

The attack takes place in the zone of Jews Llano grande, when the convoy made work of patrol in the region, precisely for the combat of delinquent groups operating in this zone of Mexican entity.

“There is currently no knowledge of various elements of both institutions that will lose the life derivative of this attack, and at this time there is no knowledge of injuries”, the FGJEM indicated through a communication.

Both dependencies inform that with the support of the National Guard, the Secretariat of the National Defense, and the Secretariat of Marina live a co-operative joint in this zone for the search of the aggressors.

“The institutions that conform to the Coordination of Peace in the State of Mexico condemn this artery and attack attack and make the compromise that we do not want to impose,” it said in a statement.

In the lodge of the fechs the FGJEM lives to meet the diligence for the delivery of the corpses and the recovery of clues.

The dependencies ensure that the families of the public servants who fail these juveniles tend to support and respond to both institutions.
