Embarrassed Natti Natasha? – Primera Hora

Since then, several rumors have been circulating that the urban singer Natti Natasha is embarrassed. Now, an artist’s post on his Instagram account has echoed on the page.

“What do you say? Hoy es el día ”, appears in a photo on the menu red social where a coronita with rhinestones, white stones, roses and azules, and crowns with these colors are appreciated.

“What color is your preference? Rosado o Azul? Los Leo Tune-in @premiolonuestro 6-7c ”, written by Natti.

What he thinks is this night when the artist presents in Premio Lo Nuestro, which will transmit Univision, where the singer will interpret one of his themes.

Natti Natasha revealed several weeks ago that he had a romance with his manager Raphy Pina, with whom he did not have vacation days in the emperor’s yard.
