Embajada EE.UU. have your immigrant visa unit limited

The United States Embassy announced this March that its immigrant visa unit will be operating again, albeit in a limited manner, operating through established cities.

“In the case of the immigrant visa union, we renewed our limited operations… all the quotes will be programmed through electronic mail that are proportional to the Visa visa to the NVC”, part of the information published by the entity.

According to the communication, the cases where priority is given will be quoted for nine adopted by city councilors; for conjugation, hijo and citizens of citizens, as well as the promises and promises of a national of the EE.UU.

There is also an immigrant visa application group in this group, which will be interviewed between March 16, 2020 and April 30, 2020, and which will be canceled due to the closure of visa service operations.

Además claims that if any immigrant visa petitioner finds himself at the National Visa Center (NVC), he must send his application together with the corresponding documentation, directly to the institution for which he is considered, through his web portal.
