Elon Musk’s ‘no lanzallamas’ provokes arrest of some users and other problems with the Police

The Aduanas agents of the Police have confiscated these devices with more than 1,000 buyers in the extraterrestrial, and many of them are armed and loaded with arms.

El ‘Mus’ El ‘no lanzallamas’ creado, bajo la empresa The Boring Company, has a challenging series problems with the Police and includes the arrest of some of its users, but is considered an army in various parts of the world.

After the launch of the device in 2018, the city council Max Craddock was invited to the Italian city of Olbia, in Cerdeña, to intend to board a bus with the new product of the magnate. The leader thinks that if he has an army, he will leave and called the authorities.

“Estaban muy tranquilos al principie, pero a medida que advanzaba la noche, fue empeorando. Pasé la primera noche en la commissari de Olbia y luego me llevaron a la carcel”, Craddock a TechCrunch commented in an interview.

Tras pasar two days in prison, the young man could present in his case a juez and make sure that “he is not an army of war”, and on the contrary, demonstrate that “he is a player who turns to the nines”. However, in the audience the man says that the position of a lanzallamas in Italy could be a sense of urgency 10 years tras las rejas.

A similar incident occurred with John Richardson, who was in his London home when he had five police officers on duty with electroshock arms and tactical team. “Creo que un par de ellos también tenían pistolas, pero estoy un poco confundido porque mis piernas temblaban”, contô el elbre al portal de technology.

After a few minutes, Richardson heard that The Boring Company’s lanzallamas lo había conducido a una register order of its domicile by virtue of the authorities.

According to TechCrunch, the Aduanas agents of the Police have confiscated these devices and more than 1,000 buyers in the extranjero, and many enfrentan multis and cargos related with arms. Asimismo, specifies that in EE.UU. the lanzallamas have been implicated in at least one local and other federal criminal investigation.
