Elon Musk was created a city in Texas, called Starbase and starred directed by ‘el Doge’

The new project from the CEO of SpaceX absorbs the city of Boca Chica, where Elon Musk is building his cohort Starship.

March 3, 2021

Read 3 min

If you have the ability to surprise worldwide with your ambitious projects, it Elon Musk. The multimillionaire announcement that is constructing a new city of texas what is called Starbase, in turn to launch site of cohesion of his company SpaceX.

Acostumbrado to cause revuelo to write only a word of words, Musk published in Twitter what is “Created the city of Starbase, Texas ”.

Afterwards, he allotted to his project to colonize the red planet, insinuating that Starbase series only the principle for ir lej lejos. ‘De allí a Marte. Y de ahí las Estrellas ”, detail el Tesla CEO.

The magnate, who is currently the second richest person in the world, signaled that his city will occupy an area “Much more great” row Boca Chica, lugar que alberga un sitio de lanzamiento de SpaceX and where the company is building its cohet Starship.

Elon Musk features some characteristics that tend to be new city, as will be friendly with the dogs. También insinuó que estaría directed by “El Doge”, lo cual can interpret both forms.

For a lad, it is a reference to the dogs, ancient governors of Venice and Genoa. También can be a part of it Dogecoin, la criptomoneda inspired by the meme of ‘Cheems’ that Musk had a good time responding to, the result being more interesting.

Eddie Treviño, juez del condado de Cameron, Texas, confirms SpaceX inform the authorities of the intention of Elon Musk: incorporation Boca Chica a la ciudad de Starbase. The official signaled that the magnate and his company would comply with all of the incorporation statutes and stated that the union would process any agreement with the law.

The multimillionaire of 49 years has decided to convert Texas and su main base of operations. In addition to its launch center in Boca Chica, SpaceX has a cohetes testing facility in McGregor’s city and plans to build a manufacturing plant in Austin. In July 2020, it was announced that the next gigafabrica of Tesla is being built in the Austin estates.

Last December, Musk confirmed that California was being sued in Texas and, by the way, repaired all its properties in Los Angeles to finance its March colonization project.
