Elon Musk responds to SpaceX Mars game developer after 154 tweets

It seems like Elon Musk may have just agreed to allow an independent game developer to use SpaceX’s name and logo for the developer’s new game: Mars is Flat.

Lyubomir Vladimirov was not shy and did not hesitate to ask Musk for permission to use the company’s name and logo as he sent him 154 tweets, report Entrepreneur.

Vladimirov leaves with the intention of sending the same message to Musk every day for 365 days, or until Musk responds to it, and he finally hears it back at 154.


It was certainly a daring move to send a message to Musk every day, but it may have borne fruit. The message in question asked, “Dear Elon, I’m a game developer. I’m making a game about colonizing Mars with you and SpaceX in it. If you think that’s cool, all I need is the name and I will post it every day for a year or until I get a Yes or a No! 154/365. ‘

It is still a bit unclear whether Musk fully agrees with the question, as Musk replied: “You can steal our name / logos and we will probably not sue you.”

It’s probably a little uncertain, that’s for sure, but that did not stop Vladimirov from moving forward. He immediately responded with “I want to give 80% of the profits to SpaceX.” Let’s see what finally happens.

The game itself is pretty cool. The name Mars is flat, it’s essentially a technical survival game about colonization on Mars, with Musk and SpaceX. Vladimirov even shared a basic preview of his game on YouTube, which featured Musk’s EV company, Tesla’s Cybertruck on Mars. It also shows what Vladimirov has been working on all these months: 3D modeling, texture, animation and scripting of the basic version of the game.

Stay up to date on the game’s progress on Vladimirov’s Twitter and YouTube accounts or simply on the website, Mars is Flat.
