Elon Musk lost 27 million dollars for this reason – People – Culture

The executive director of Elon Musk, Tesla, loses an important amount of money, a strong blow to its capital. On this occasion, US $ 27,000 mermaron in his fortune, debido to that the actions of the car manufacturer cayeron in the massive sale of actions.

(Lea also: 6 keys to increase the profit without being a millionaire, says Elon Musk).

The net patrimony of Musk, ascending to 156,900 million of continuous dollars ubicándolo como the second richest in the Bloomberg multimillionaire index, but now there is a $ 20,000 debit from Jeff Bezos.

(Además: ¿Quién es Kimbal Musk, el hermano ‘rebelde’ de Elon Musk?).

In the finals of February, Musk also has lost in a single day 15,200 million dollars, as a product of the bitcoin diploma. This move provokes that Tesla’s shares will rise by 8.6% in one day. Hecho, a trine in the Musk cue assures that it has a pair of Tesla wheels, one of the companies that works better in the global ball, has requested 1,500 million bitcoins, generates nervousness in the market, which originates from this chain.

(In context: Musk lost US $ 15,200 million and has to be the richest man in the world).

Of these, it’s the richest man in the world today, distinguished that he wanted to occupy Jeff Bezos, the Amazon magnate.

(Can be interested: Second phase of evacuation takes place in parking lots and garages).

A subdued spum

Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk

The multimillionaires Elon Musk (izq.) And Jeff Bezos


Michael Reynolds. EFE / Frederic J. Brown. AFP

During 2020, the Musk millionaire has established a record to hold one of the fastest-growing rickshaws in history. El año pasado, Tesla’s shares split 743% lie that unblocking millions of dollars through the Historic compensation package called “Moonshot”.

By the end of this year, Musk was superior to Bezos impulsed by the constant quarterly gains y el triunfo by Joe Biden, debit on the impulse of the current president of the United States to the limpias technologies.

(Además: The ‘top 10’ of multimillionaires who make ‘poor’ in their initiatives).

Without embarrassment, the constant chains in the Nasdaq index also provoked these strong waves in the capital of the emperor.

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