Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, SpaceX, sleeps in six hours

Billionaire Elon Musk is the richest person in the world. As CEO of the space company SpaceX, the electric car company Tesla and the neurotechnology company Neuralink, as well as the founder of The Boring Company, which builds tunnels, Musk has a lot to manage every day.

“I work a lot,” Musk told Joe Rogan during the latest episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience.” ‘Normally I would be at work until 1 or 2 in the morning. Saturday [and] Sunday, usually not, but sometimes. ‘

So, how does Musk have time to do all this? He keeps his time to sleep to a minimum.

Musk gets “about six hours” of sleep, he told Rogan. “I tried to sleep less, but then the overall productivity goes down,” he said. ‘I do not want to sleep more than six [hours]. “

Musk said he has worked hundreds of hours a week in the past. Sometimes the billionaire even slept on the floor under his desk at Tesla, reports the Wall Street Journal.

“There were times that, a few weeks … I did not count exactly, but I would just sleep a few hours, work, sleep a few hours, work seven days a week,” Musk told Kara Swisher. in November 2018, and recalls his effort to increase Tesla Model 3 production. ‘Some of it [weeks] must have been 120 hours or something morse. ‘

Musk admitted that the schedule was not healthy, and told Swisher that he “burned out a bunch of neurons”.

“No one should spend so many hours in your job,” he told Axios in 2018. “[It’s] is not recommended for anyone. You are going to make a little bonkers if you work 120 hours a week. ‘

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