Elon Musk apparently adds full self-control to any Tesla owner who wants it

Illustration for article titled Elon Musk Presumably to add complete self-control to any Tesla owner who wants it

Photo: BRITTA PEDERSEN / POOL / AFP (Getty Images)

Tesla launched its full self-driving feature five months ago, which offers a bit of autonomous capabilities, without actually being, you know, full self-management. The confusing name resulted in bad behavior and dangerous driving. But instead of reconsidering the name, CEO Elon Musk indicated that Tesla ‘add the “Download Beta” button within ~ 10 days to the car show service department. “

Like many things do, Musk’s announcement came via Twitter shortly after he told his followers that he would ask FSD Beta for everyone. He added the warning to “still be careful” with the technology, but did not make it clear that the Tesla is still unable to control itself completely.

Musk recently took to Twitter to talk a lot about FSD and hinted that Full Self-Driving needs some upgrades coming soon, hopefully next month, and that the goal is to offer the technology ‘much wider’. It sounds like Musk will be offering it to anyone currently driving a Tesla with the on-air update.

Well, anyone he can reach. Musk did admit that the roll-out will vary according to region “due to delays in approving Tesla regulations and / or internal development and testing. ”

And in a twist of irony, Musk acknowledges the word choices do matters when he acknowledges the decision to call the software ‘FSD Beta’ ‘o reduces the complacency in use and sets the expectations appropriately. “Unfortunately, the ‘Beta’ bit is frequently abandoned, and the term is used to mean a technology that has been introduced to the public but is still being developed. It seems like an unfortunate mix of words to make the Tesla sound more capable than it currently is.

Either way, you may see some new upgrades on your Tesla in the next two weeks. Can be. Possible.
