Elías Serulle renounces PLD; alega que esa organization “perdió su fin”

Elías Serulle, a Member of the Knesset for the National Liberation Party (PLD), announced his resignation on 27 years and was a member of the Central Committee.

Serulle, who had previously held office in Turkey, justified his decision on the basis that the PLD itself presents the reasons that provoke the power of the power, and that the connection with the base of its organization is lost.

Entienden that the party founded by Professor Juan Bosch lost its end, explained in a statement that will reproduce and continue.

Hoy he presented to the presidency and general secretariat of the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) my reunion with the party’s dicho membership, and with it, all the juries gained over 27 years of branch office within this political organization.

It is this decision, which includes that on the empty truck by the PLD itself presents the reasons that provoke the health of the power. If we lose the connection with the base, that is the hope of the party.

Parti agradecido de los amigos con los que crecí y forméme important sueños, con los que vivimos grote frustrationsen, y que en silencio vimos como se nos derrumbaba la pared de la democracia, sin advertir que, con ello, también se destra la nuestra existence as a political organization.

Agradezco has been advising me on the different stages, because he hiccuped me the most and experimented. The cicatrics of these heredies build in me the most sensitive skin before the actions that overthrow democracy.

In political participation it is necessary that there are propositions of value, which are based on the simplest of the simple. The return to power can not be as good as a fin. Debe exists a pork of return. Today the PLD is on the FIN and is happy with the justification of the media. Siendo así, no journey a sequel.

The child who uses it for my salvation, proposes to convert to a point that guides the unity of our large family, and converts this day on the initiative that can be found from the window of hope, to build together new suenas of democracy, participation y fe en un mejor país.

Agradezco to my companions and companions. Always find me a friend has services.
