Elías Burbara wins the VAR over another controversial goal scored by Real Spain ante Olimpia – Diez

Real Spain finished second in the second round of the Clausura 2021 tournament before the 1-0 Olympics on Sunday in the National Stadium.

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The goal of the boys is the brand Michaell Chirinos, but the part ended with a controversy over an aunt annulled by Devron García.

At minute 92, a center of Alejandro Reyes, Johnny Leverón, Olympia’s player, intended to return the pelota, but at the end he was pulling the balloon backwards, the game was played in García’s pieces that were defined by Menjívar.

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Devron ya iba a celebrar cuando de pronto Melvin Matamoros hizo sonar su silbato por fuera de juego. Real Spain’s players will not be able to create and advertise as assistants.

Elias Burbara, president of Real Spain, used his Twitter account to ask the VAR, a reminder that hubiese helped to make a better decision with this game.

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“When did the VAR go?”, Was the question that Burbara launched, certainly outraged by the invalid action at Real Spain ante Olympia.

This is the second goal of the year that annulled the match against Olympia in the tournament. The first was a legitimate one of Omar Rosas who disabled Saíd Martínez en el arranque del Clausura 2021.
