Elderly people waiting for COVID vaccine, mistakenly as ‘illegal rave’

Party on, geezers.

Police officers rushed to a place in England to break up the illegal violence – only to discover that there was a crowd of elderly people waiting to get a coronavirus vaccine, according to reports.

Concerned neighbors have called police to report revealers who may be showing off COVID-19 regulations outside the Saxon Hall event space before dawn Friday in Essex, according to Echo News.

Instead of ravers, police found retirees – some as old as 90 hooked on walking sticks – while queuing for shots.

‘It was really funny when the police arrived there because they were informed that a’ rave ‘was taking place at Saxon Hall – only to find 80- and 90-year-olds on wheelchairs, frames and wall hangings while patiently in the queue for their vaccinations, ”Dennis Baum, chairman of the Saxon Hall, told the local outlet.

Essex police quickly realized there were more grandmothers than glowsticks at the event, and helped divert traffic around the building, commonly used for weddings and banquets.

“It was absolute chaos and very cold. The [parking lot] became a shock block with 80-year-old drivers, ”Baum told Harwich and Manningtree Standard. “Grumpy old men and grumpy old women abounded.”

He added: “Nevertheless, as a balancing act, many more appreciative people could not have been more grateful to receive the vaccine.”

The calls that mistakenly reported that the underground bash got hit on New Year’s Eve during an illegal uproar have come.

In that case, there was a DJ and porta-potjies in the rave, and three people were arrested
