El Yankel Rosenthal remains blinded: 400 police measures in the final Marathon Olympiad of this domingo – Diez

Guaranteed security. La National League meets the night of this Saturday with the security guards encamped to guard the final and it is confirmed that there will be 400 elements of the order that will be guarding the final between Marathon and Olympia.

From the first hours of the day, the police and militaries will set up a five-hundred-year-old circle that will be impenetrable for those who want to join the furniture. The recent calls are made to avoid agglomerations.


The five angels commencing from the first that will be the orilla of the cancha, have the last that includes the patrol in the search calls to the stadium. If you want to access the Yankel Rosenthal Stadium. Asi nadie irrumpirá en la fiesta.

Only the access of the encounters and the accredited persons like the periodicals with communication media rights will be allowed. The police have compromised to ensure safety for both teams from the concentration camp hotel up to the stadium.

The party is scheduled for 11:00 a.m., hourly, so from 6:00 a.m. onwards, the property will be empty by the authorities. If it does not have a presence of aficionados, it will be better for the security operation to be a success.

Leaders of Marathon and Olympics, together with the National League, Police and live forces, program the security operation.

The teams will be inside the stadium from 9.00 on Monday, two hours before the start of the match. Habrá predisposes to lluvia because the climate will be pleasant for football practice. Olympia have the 2-0 win over Ida.

If they record that the verdolagas logran igualar the series, the party will have the alarm, for which it tends to play 30 minutes extra. In the case that the equal marker is maintained, it is defined by the means of penalties.
