EL TURISM BAJO FUEGO CRUZADO – Le mueven el piso al turismo de RD; Canada and France face fronts

Dominican tourism now has a new test drive. Canada is trying to ban the birds of Mexico and the Caribbean region until April 30, when the French media delayed in conquering the frontier of its frontier countries with European Union forces.

The influx of Canadian tourists is important for the Dominican Republic, as far as the first quarter of the year is concerned when the first saliva of the coronavirus Covid-19 has not been recovered and many Canadians are living in the Netherlands.

French tourism is also important, far from being a long distance city and its mayor is very popular in the country, especially in the northern Dominican zone.

Ambos cierres impactan de manera negativa el flujo de pasajeros. For the International Airport of Las Americas (AILA) there are four weekly flights (Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays and Saturdays). The airlines that were established during the Middle East by the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, his Air Transat, Sunwing and Air Canada, according to dates of Aerodom Siglo XXI.

By Punta Cana flights from the city of Montreal the air Canada Air Canada with a plane B787 and one from Air Transat the Saturday with the aircraft 320. Fuentes de la Aviación Civil Dominicana (JAC) en cuente de que al pais etablan llegando de 40 a 45 vuelos, currently.

As of this year, it has increased to 255,000 passengers. Canada’s solo will enter 586,000 in 2020 and its frontier front will cover the Port of Plata and Samana.


Consultado al respecto, Andrés Marranzini, Vice-President Executive of the Dominican Association of Hotels and Tourism (Asonahores) explains what the impact of the mayor is and the media that the country can maintain both control the virus and most capacity and quality in its respuestas.

“Tambien influences the capacity of diplomacy to act before the goblins,” said the representative of the hotel sector.

Likewise, it depends on the capacity of the tourism sector to arm alliances and managements with the groups and companies that are affected by the restrictions imposed on their countries of origin.

Recognize that travel restrictions on tourism and the inclusion of the country, however, also have a negative impact on the companies in these countries that invest in the Dominican Republic in hotels and services and that their intermediaries and local product sales opportunities and offer transport and other services.

Hasta is now active in EE.UU. The PCR test of antigen and is perfectly manageable in the country, in the case of Marranzini, which shows that the quarantine is a possibility that is not applied and is “fatal series for us”, dijo. However, it is important to note that air lines, tourist corporations and other establishments are subject to management requirements.


A Canada-based fleet of passengers and passengers indicated that as of December 2020, there will be 68 flights and by the year 2021 there will be 68 scheduled with 4,642 passengers. The total number of Canadian passengers arriving in December was 11 673. The total number of flights was 16,315 in 131 flights from Air Transat, Air Canada, Sunwing Airlines, West Jet, Air Canaada Rouge, Novsajet, and Gama Aviation Limited.


In 2020, there will be 185,932 y and in 2019 there will be 500,000.
