El tabloide vermaan ‘n Trump a cesar sus denuncias de fraud quuanto antes | News Univision Elections in EUEU 2020

The pony newspaper New York Post, one of the most outspoken media communicators with Donald Trump, published the issue of an editorial exhorting the mandate to reconvene a vez on all his right-wing supporters before Democrat Joe Biden.

In its editorial title “Pare la locura”, the diary tells Trump that the moment to end “this dark farce” is refuted to its infamous electoral fraud denunciations.

The Post reproached Trump for inciting Republican congressmen to call election results during the Congress celebrating a bicameral session on January 6, and called for “animating an anti-democratic state ballot.”

And he periodically records that he took the right to investigate electoral irregularities, while his investigations did not raise any issues.

“We understand, Mr President, that there is a bit of a loss. It will be followed by a ruined truck. We will decide as a period that it supports”, the text added.

The Post urges Trump to invest in second-degree elections that Georgia celebrates the 5th of January to encourage its senators the energy it has been able to inflict on its fraudulent denominations.

“If Georgia were to step in, everything would be in order. I will have to go to the power party and I will be able to find out what you want to do to capitalize on its logos, how to expand the Spanish vote for Republicans,” the text said.

“If the Democrats are in favor of contingent, the Senate will divide 50-50 and Vice President Kamala Harris will take the decisive vote,” the diary said in its editorial.

“If you insist on passing his last days in the presidency arranging with everything, then will be recorded. Not like a revolutionary, like the anarchist with the cerilla in the mano”, hoofartikel van remató el.

Other media outlets pertaining to Rupert Murdoch, such as the Post, such as The Wall Street Journal and Fox News, also recounted Biden’s victory, having had a cover more than the one complained about Trump during the last four years.

