“El señor de los cielos”: The Peruvian actress Verónica Montes shows off her physical cambio radical for hormonal trastorn | Mexico

Verónica Montes, active Peruvian actress in Mexico and participating in one of the most important Aztec series, “The Lord of Heaven”, revealed to its followers that the path of high prolactin.

By means of his social speeches, the artist that God has seen a Belén Guerrero de Aguilera, best known as ‘La Condesa’, show me radical physical change a rise in this hormone that is depleted by great velocity in its body:

“I love people who want to share these photos and talk about what they are doing. Tengo la prolactina alta, es una hormone that estimates the mother to produce leche, as she gets embarrassed women and women who are amusing ”, detailed in the actress’ publication.

This secrecy hace que Verónica Montes retains liquidated liquid by which his roast is hooked and light-skinned. Además, assurur que no le gusta estar asi ya que “vive de su imagen”:

“It’s horrible to be here, because you’re the person who’s very willing to train and approve the day to the maximum, and ultimately he has not. saben que yo vivo de mi imagen y la verdad no ha sido nada agradable to be inflamed by the car and all the body ”, aggregated.

For another lad, la Peruvian actress of “El señor de los cielos” signal that you are dealing with doctors to recover your figure and your skin will look like antes:

“Thank you to God for coming to me to be able to take my car and my body as soon as possible and to be able to take the forces to get the most out of it. Thanks for all the support messages that are always received. Los amo ”, indicates.


My favorite novel“: The great works of classical literature with the comments of Nobel Prize winner Mario Vargas Llosa. An RPP production for all Hispanic people.

“La Odisea” is a Greek epic poem attributed to Homero, a character who belongs more to the myth than to history. Pese a ello su figura ha sobrevivido 4 mil años como el author de La Ilíada y La Odisea, los dos épicos epicos que inician la literatura universal.
