El segundo accusation of Donald Trump

‘N Donald Trump le han incoado un segundo accusation. ¿Ganarán sus adversarios? No import. Nathaniel Rakich, a notable statistician, states that 52% of state respondents say Donald Trump immediately takes power, while 42% oppose it. It’s based on new inquiries it has made. I like the sums and the rests and these are the stars that I got. Sospecho que por ahí andan los tiros.

The problem is that there are no statistics, no censorship, and many people are willing to die or die for what they do. Creen, además, kualquier cosa: creen en extraterrestres que nos visitan a menudo y se dedicat a abducir a los incautos. Creen in the paranormal phenomena, including the ghosts and the ghoul. Creen in the unique and real character of his dioceses, like the diocese Durga of Hinduism that possesses various brazies and cabalga a lion, or like the Holy Spirit of the Christians, represented by a palm tree that forms part of the maximum triad of its religion. Creen in the zodiac, astrology, spirituality and all kinds of extravagant superstition, especially if it was preached by a “charismatic” person. For example, Donald Trump.

The Democrats, in general (less than 18%), and with them a good share of the Independents, agree that there is no fraud in the elections of November 3, 2020. Pero a notable percentage of Republicans (a 62% ) think that dozens of miles of deaths will be cast, or that millions of documented documents will be cast on the ballot boxes, or that the machines will change the results, or that the bullets will be exchanged for malicious workers.

Although Trump finally accepted Biden’s victory, he did not say (and never will) that he was not a fraud. No sé, siquiera, si lo cree realmente. In some ways it is, but there are others who oppose it. In any case, admit he meant a series of free water balances for his followers. (Although it has been suggested that it should avoid a bloodbath, whether it is for the African-American Congresswoman Maxine Waters or a conspiracy theory variant)

Ni siquiera se harevreit a acogerse a la thesis de Tucker Carlson (Fox News), mucho intelligent, pero muy debutible. Carlson’s spokesman alleges – in his favor to defend Trump – that he is “fraudulent”, but he was preoccupied with the elections, and after them, and consisted of Trump’s personal attack from the moment he left office, to Some Republican media, including all of its names, are sure to list the 100 days of grace that will be bestowed on the new inmates of the Casa Blanca.

In reality, elections, as is the custom in EE.UU., will be smooth and transparent, for the sake of appearances. It has been a long time since George Washington left the power in 1797, first and foremost president of the Thirios and Trojans. From that point on, as suelen deci españoles en su langua rica en coloquialismos, “se armo un gran cocoao” y cada dos aos, o cada quatro, sucede lo mismo.

The main difference is that first and foremost the deroted candidate has been the victim of fraud, and a large number of voters from his party have created juntillas, without questioning more than 60 tribunals, including the abundance of Republican judges, habían answered the questions unanimously with absolute lack of proof. On the other hand, a good number of people eagerly joined the capitulation to President Trump’s request to rectify the conduct of the Democrats.

Here is the multidisciplinary version of the subject presented at a Washington City Pizzeria, armed with an assault rifle, to “free” one of the seven victims of the perversions and the defeat of the Democrats. Although QAnon has been blamed, a far-right group has also been blamed for the creation of the “deep state” conspiracy theory or the “Deep State” which, in theory, has imposed President Donald Trump’s impeachment.

This year, the 6th of January in the Capitol will have many serious economic and political repercussions. The economists have to deal with the internal institution of the country. The US dollar is the currency of 80% of international transactions, among other reasons, by the confidence that generates contemplating four years of pacific transmission and organized by the fines of the XVIII sail. This verdict of democracy has been supported by a second-rate spectacle of armed guards, including puas and ferries.

The political repercussions are of another kind and have to do with the character of the “cube of the free world” that the country has won over the Second World War and the victory against the USSR in the Free War. USA was the only superpower that lived in the middle of the battle. This triunfo is highly discussed on the images of the capital of the capitulation of an aggressive turbocharged turbo. Will Joe Biden and Kamala Harris restore the image of EE.UU? Ojalá, pero eso está por vers.
