El Salvador has been downgraded from a ‘democracia defectuosa’, The Economist reported | El Salvador News

Cataloged as “defective democracy”, The Economist signaled that El Salvador cayo from 6.15 to 5.9 in place 77, of a list of 167 countries. It is the only country in Latin America that has been downgraded from another regime to another.

The fragility of democracy in El Salvador is where the World Cup is coming from. Recently, the Economist’s Bureau of Intelligence informed The Economist about the preoccupation situation.

The detailed document states that El Salvador has a notorious inclination to authoritarianism during 2020. In a separate heading entitled “Authoritarianism in El Salvador: a dictator in arms?” signaled that the president, Nayib Bukele, had apparently ignored the controls and balances of his governor, when in April 2020 disobedience sentences of the Constitutional Court of the Supreme Court of Justice, which also respected fundamental rights in the media the detentions by circular in the calls.

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The Economist also reportedly said that “a meeting of the Assembly of Military Legislators and Policies to press the legislature to approve a $ 100 million award”.

Cataloged as “defective democracy”, The Economist signaled that El Salvador cayo from 6.15 to 5.9 in place 77, of a list of 167 countries. It is the only country in Latin America that has been downgraded from another regime to another.

The libertades retreated in 2020 debido a medidas antipandemia

The global promo score of the Index of Democracy cayo from 5.44 in 2019 to 5.37 in 2020, on a scale of 0 to 10. This is the highest score since 2006, since the Index of Democracy was evaluated. In Latin America, the index cayo for the fifth year in a row from 6.13 to 6.09.

Democratic liberties have receded in this case 70% of world peace in 2020 will lead to the restrictions imposed by the fight against the pandemic, according to a study by the British group The Economist published this week.

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“The coronavirus pandemic has provoked a huge backlash from the democratic liberties, which is the market leader of the index with historical minimums”, according to a study published by the British Seminary Research Unit.

The phenomenon is global and very pronounced in the autocratic regimes of Africa or the Middle East, through the “suppression of individual freedoms in the most democratic democracies of 2020”, results.

“The abandonment of the fundamental liberties by millions of people has led to one of the most notorious highs of this year (…) but we can conclude that the high level of acceptance of significant means of confinement remains the value a la libertad ”, commented Joan Hoey, responsible for the study.

“Simply juzgaron, on the basis of probation (…), which avoids catastrophic deaths justifies a temporary loss of liberty”, dijo.

For as long as 8, the countries are considered “democracies in all rule”. This category includes the first 23 countries. The best is Norway with an index of 9.81, but also the figure of Switzerland or Canada. France on the other hand occupies power 24.

The research group of the British group The Economist calculates this year as the index of democracy. See the calculation and base ten 60 criteria, grouped in five categories: electoral process and pluralism, civil liberties, governing function, political participation and political culture.

The global result is 5.37, “the strongest global commodity since the index was created in 2006”. The mayor of Mali and Taiwan registers what is most important.

The country with the highest qualification in 2020 is the North Korea, with an index of democracy of 1.08, classified among the “authoritarian regimes”.
