El nuevo buque fantasma of the US Navy participation and an eiercicio conjunto-noticia defensa.com

The annual ownership Dawn Blitz, simula un desembarco anfibio entre la Marina y la Infantera de Marina estadounidense, cont este ao con la participacin del buque no tripulado desarrollado en el marko del programa Ghost Fleet Overlord, since the first time he has been involved in a Navy ownership. The Department of Defense is informed by recent reviews of this hit, has unobtrusively moved the 4,700 million bucks from the Gulf of Mexico where it is located near the coast of California where you own the property, making 97 per cent of it autonomous form. Only to intervene the tripulacin that was on board during the passage of the Panamanian Canal.

During its participation in the ownership, the bucket interacts with other Marine and Infantry debris following the regulations of the Navigator, navigating autonomously with more than 130 hours and recording 950 millennia, 98 per cent of human resources.

The program Ghost Fleet Overlord comenz the demonstrations in 2018 and since then have demonstrated on repeated occasions their capacity to navigate autonomously in March, following the standards of navigation, avoiding obstacles and collisions.

The Ghost Fleet of the Navy

Segn analyzes the past month of June, the United States Marina has launched an objective development program that will materialize new types of books not tripled that are referred to as the Overlord or the Overlord Ghost Fleet. It is a program developed by the Office of Strategic Capacities of the Office of the Secretary of Defense that studies the definition of the new types of embargo not triples that require the Marina Stadium. The program exemplifies the development of two phases. In phase 1, which will be completed in September, the transport procedures for civil procedure will be completed, which will be converted into books not tripled (Unmanned surface barrels o USV) para pruebas.

In June, the Mandate for Systems of the Marina (NAVSEA) informs the traverses of the social networks that the books that are being implemented for probation have been completed by four navigators. Specifically, the NAVSEA reads that one of the two books of the in Ghost Fleet Overlord Complete four-hour navigation that includes 181 hours of operation that complies with the International Rules of Procedure (RIPA) for a total of 3,200 milliseconds.

During these tests, the integration of systems for autonomous converters will be carried out, autonomous navigation tests will be carried out and the best practices will be applied to the propulsion system, hull and other elements such as the electric system. Tambin is also carrying out demonstrations with a wide range of 600 hours of navigation with the books realizing maneuvers that comply with the RIPA regulations that regulate international norms to avoid collisions.

Phase 2 will once again fill in the gaps between the books adapted to study the integration of military missile control systems and equipment and the realization of the mayor’s test. During this it is expected that the books will be transferred directly to the Marina for experimentation and in the final instance the lessons learned with these books will be completed as proof banks in the plasma definition of types of books not tripled.

The denominator Large unmanned surface vehicle (LUSV) o Vehculo no Tripulado Grande tendr una eslora de ms de 50 metros, completes su conceptual diese en breve, se revisis el diese detail en se posteriorent un provender. The Navy’s Surface Capacity Development Plan exemplifies how distributed fleet platforming is. Vehicle medium unmanned surface (MUSV) is looking for a provider after having revised the design, it is expected to be launched in 2023. Tendr una eslora de entre 12 y 50 metro y segn los planes de la Marina, este buque ser empleado para portor sensors y para actuar como rel of communications. (Jos M Navarro Garca)

Photo: One of the bucks of the Overlord fleet (NAVSEA)

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