“El Mayimbe” reaparece with 50 books menus: “Ahora me llaman el Ken Villalona”

¡Eeeeso! With 50 free menus, Fernando Villalona made a first-come, first-served appearance in a year of pandemic and over his recent bariatric death toll.

“My first show of my bariatric surgery is late in Santiago, a booth with all the sanitary protocols, we have a lot of salesmen”, writes “El Mayimbe” on Instagram.

The show with his orchestra “y con baria´trica (-50lb), despue´s de 1 an ~ o … tocamos mejor que nunca y seguiremos dando lo mejor … ahora me llaman el Ken Villalona!, Agregó en otro Post.

On December 15, the “Niño Mimado” was joined by a bariatric surgery to recover weight and recover a steady load of children over 270 pounds.

In the post of the fours, Villalona receives hundreds of messages from its followers and colleagues, animating to follow.

Among them is the figure of his colleague Alex Bueno: “¡Esooo! ¡Mi papá! Un muchachito. ¡Ay Dio míoooo!”, Además del cantante Daniel Santacruz aprobándolo con un “bieeeeen” y Alex Mala Junta: “Ahí eh!”.
