“El Guitarreño” is the subject of the Sufrir accident in the ojo derecho

With good humor, but without remaining serious about the accident that the mantuvo was on the coat of arms of Wapa, regressed this comedian Alfonso Alemán “El Guitarreño”, who accounted for his companions in “Noticentro al amanecer” the details and themes that experiment.

Enter the matriarchal training studio at the sports center and protect your eyes with a gaff. Enseguida expresses his appreciation for the medicines he was waiting for during his emergence.

However, the passage of the channel on December 11th will take place in order to regroup at home to the workers who are building an extension of the brand. Standing alone, observing a vigor of 20 pieces of alto and stating that the cayera encloses the court with algae, decided to picarla in the middle.

“When I was pissed off, I was sitting in a bank and the machine was on the floor, and it seemed as if I had a sensor and a car,” said reporter Jorge Gelpí and presenter Yizette Cifredo.

Tomó de nuevo la mákina y la piez cortante se parti y le golpeó en la frente, nariz y ojo derecho, provocateur dol heridas profundas.

“All the time you are conscious”, says the moment when he began to feel the liquidity of his coma began to flow through the mail. “I wish I could support the vista”.

It was his comment that the subject had “exploded” the ojo. “I thought so many things, you said, ‘I’ve been crying’ Inklusiewe, confession that llego a temer por su vida, pues uno de los medicos le advirtió luego que si las heridas hubieran ido más hacia en el interior del ojo, pudo haber quedado en estado vegetativo.

Posteriormente fue operated on both occasions and therefore lograron salvarle the organ.

German is reintegrated into his works in Wapa, specifically in the program “Pegate al mediodía”.
