El gobierno pagó 390 000 dollars for 91 200 vacancies

The country pays page 4.27 dollars per dose of the vaccine against the Covid-19 recipients have been sought through the global Covax mechanism, through the Rotatorio Fund of the Panamericana de la Salud (OPS / OMS).

The first lot to receive is the work of this mechanism from 91,200 doses of the AstraZeneca / Oxford vaccine, manufactured by SK Bioscience of South Korea, for a total amount of $ 390,000.

With this first batch, out of a total of 2,169,600 doses that the country contracted through this mechanism, the second dose of first-line staff that received it received the first dose of this type of vaccine that has been manufactured in the past. India.

The country has also received more than a million vacancies against the Chinese company Covid-19, claiming a cost of one 19 dollars a dose.

Ayer, Dr. Daniel Rivera, Minister of Public Health, who carried in his cargo the receipt of the vacancies, recorded that these countries the logos with proper financing, under the auspices of the Rotary Foundation of the Pan-American Organization of Health (OPS / OMS), framed by the acquisition of Covid-19 vehicles for the countries of the United States prior to the COVAX Mechanism, by means of this global mechanism.

“Important for us is that all of these personnel work in health centers evacuated with AstraZeneca, for which they have the availability of vacancies so that, even in mid-week, they can receive their second dose, and so on. we are inside the margin ”, says the official.


During the reception, Dr. Oliver Ronveaux, representative of the Panamericana Organization of Health OPS / OMS in the country, stated that the vacancy rate for these vacancies represents a valuable contribution to the National Vacation Plan announced in the Dominican Republic on 16 February. , and reconciles the great effort and work he has done in realizing the Dominican authorities for its implementation.

The Covax mechanism

The COVAX mechanism is a global effort that, as the main objective, guarantees the equitable distribution of vehicles against COVID-19 in the global budget. In fact, 70 countries and territories have received 32 million doses through this mechanism, which aims to protect 20% of the global population by 2021.

Total vacations

One million 187, 599 people have been evacuated in the country have been infected with the Covid-19 virus, inside the National Vacation Plan initiated on 16 February, of which 320, 893 have completed their immunization scheme, with the dosages required.

Here is the revelation of the Minister of Public Health, Dr. Daniel Rivera, who revealed that this institution prepares an exhaustive vigilance for the behavior of the virus, through the work of Semana Santa and the initiation of the semi-presidency classes.

Dijo that the cambios in the behavior can be experienced in the time interval of 7 to 14 days that is estimated to be the incubation period.

More than a year of virtual classes, the country has access to the presence of present classes in various municipalities of the country.

In connection with the evacuation, the Minister of Public Health said that since the passing of Viernes Santo has been evacuated some 125 746 people against the virus.

Details that only the lunar passage is vacated 90 703 people, while the Semana Santa apartment, the four Santo apply 16 325 doses; the sabbath Santo 11 028 and the domingo of Resurrection 7 690 vacant.

Dijo that is advancing to a good rhythm the inoculation process and that a 500 mile person is needed to complete the first phase within the National Vacation Plan that will develop the Gobierno.

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Abinader pide more emergence

President Luis Abinader made another 45-day state of emergency at the National Congress, in a statement issued on March 26, stating that he had not been informed at the time. Abinader’s communication will be announced daily by the Chamber of Deputies, which will be included in its agenda. The new period of emergency commencement will take place in the country on April 16, following its establishment in the presidential communication. “Applying for authorization to proceed for a period of 45 days from April 16, 2021, the state of emergency, fully qualified for this class of situations”. dice the card.
