El Gobierno has been searching for anti-COVID-19 vacancies in the middle of the sixth Minister of Health | Ecuador | Notice

Through the chaos registered in the process of evacuation of adult mayors Mauro Falconí cargo sale and day pass to Camilo Salinas, who has a meta

One of the first areas of new Minister of Health, Camilo Salinas, create an archive of vacancies against coronavirus.

Según Jorge Wated, Secretary of the Presidency of the Republic, does not have a well-established register in its Secretariat of State and has passed to Salinas saber counting vacancies hooi, counting he has colocado, where is the inventory, counting his vacancy points, solicitud que habia sido hecha por escrito to the former Minister Mauro Falconí and did not receive the reply, according to Wated.

Falconí, as an audio filter, provided information in a virtual meeting to its collaborators when it was titled Salud.

He was the fifth minister. Antes estuvieron Rodolfo Farfán, Juan Carlos Zevallos, Catalina Andramuño (who started the fight against the pandemic) and Verónica Espinosa.

The Minister of Health announces his collaborators in a virtual meeting

Falconí’s salida se dio -el pasado miércoles- luego de un chaos in some evacuation points of Quito.

Wated the attribution to a poor planning why it is necessary to vaccinate adult adults with the pharmaceutical AstraZeneca.

By the search box vacancies of Pfizer in the bodegas of the Ministry of Health, where hallaron vacunas guarded and including the trajeron of other cities from sobraban, account in a radial interview.

Hubo huge numbers of people of the third eda, agglomerations, lack of information and wide hope that, in some cases, super new hours. Many adult mayors do not receive the dose.

Agreed with an office sent by Martha Moncayo, governor of the National Telecommunications Corporation (CNT) Falconí, closed April 7, denominated definition of vacancy, habían informed that iban was managing the vacancies of AstraZeneca when the quoted persons indicated that iban had received the Pfizer receipts.

Además pedía que se les notifique un la debide anticipation le ubicación y el tipu de vacuna aplicarse.

On its part, in a map directed to President Lenin Moreno, Falconí mencionó que recibió public sector high level interference interferences which do not comply with the requirements of the Ministry of Health, which put in place a risk management plan maintaining the principles of transparency, equity and efficiency, even without identifying numbers.

In an interview with a digital media, Falconí stated that within the organization that met when there was a car on board there was a committee integrated with the Vice President María Alejandra Muñoz, por CNT, by the Ministry of Public Health and by other ministries, that tomaron decidissings y se fueron en kontra de decidissings técnicas de esa cartera de Estado.

For Wated, Falconí’s statement was “a bit disproportionate”.

Este Diario quiso conversar con Moncayo, pero el mércoles en la noche ofreció attende este jueves, pere este dia non respondi de requerimiento, sin embargo, en Teleamazonas mention: “The sensors do not know where the vacancies are, but let us know in the month they are”.

And this is one of the most intense luchas and I believe that one of the resentments of the Minister with CNT because he has a very difficult position to maintain a single line, vacancies through a solo register, no parallel agendas and many times our top agendas parallels (…) can not be said to have been quoted and since then you are saying that there is a point of evacuation by here for some reason that you do not know that the organization of the Ministry of Health has the power to consolidate all information (…) and that is what happened in phase 0 and at the beginning of phase 1

Jorge Wated, Secretary of the Presidency of the Republic

Ante is this panorama, in its first public intervention, Salins announcement that the meta is ready to be vacated has only 50,000 personas of dia which commences the next week.

Salinas expressed that in 48 points in the country it is located immunizing with one 11,900 people. This season – it was on the 8th of April – taking part in a military holiday in Quito.

23,000 ciudadanos is the highest number of vacancies, with a minimum of 2,000 inoculated from the day the plan was completed in one go, indicating.

Between these jueves and fires, agated Wated, will be quoted on 215,000 people a ser vacunadas.

Agreed with official estimates, ‘n Ecuador han llegado 500,000 doses of vacancies sin tomar en cuenta las 300.000 de Sinovac, que arribaron la tarde del mercoles a Quito.

It is hoped that the Saturday will bring 700,000 more doses and a million in Mayo.

Burden 84,000 doses of AstraZeneca, indicating Wated, is destined for minors over 65 years, among them militaries, policemen, professors, etc., process that receives the last week, which generates, aggregates, a subregister quiza, in the page vacunarse.

The vacancies of AstraZeneca not Iran to the persons of the third edad

With this, the Governor saliente hopes inocular with 4 million doses until the end of its administration, the next 24th of May.
