El Ejército de Estados Unidos está desarrollando el arma láser “más poderosa del mundo”

Archive image of a reader of the Estadounidense Armada (American Navy)
Archive image of a reader of the Estadounidense Armada (American Navy)

The United States Ejército is developing its most powerful laser armor, with a technology that has a million more powerful capabilities than current systems.

The laser arms function without a hazard or continuous ray until the objective (which can be a drone or missile) is extinguished or fired. Peru el nuevo Láser Táctico de Pulso Ultracorto (UPSL, por sus siglas en Engels) staff issuing rafagas, more appears in a film, but at an unpredictable speed, which maintains the intensity.

Follow the magazine information New scientist, the prototype, commissioned by the company Aqwest, is designed for alcanzar un teravatio during a letter 200 femtosegundos, which is a quatrilional second, in comparison with the maximum of 150 kilowatts of the current systems.

Do not treat a deadly army: on the human skin causes irritation or, in extreme cases, permanent damage. Pero sí a key component of a military strategy. In addition to vaporizing the surface of a drone to actuate or override optical sensors, it also has the ability to operate electronic systems, in an operation similar to electromagnetic pulses.

The objective is that the prototype is listed for August next year. One of the requisites is that it has a trainer, weight and robust aptos to be used on different platforms of Ejército.

The Pentagon is dedicated to a special interest in this type of arm. The plans launched during Donald Trump’s governing body include lasers that neutralize missiles and missiles that bombarded projects with subatomic particles have been useless.

Arma laser the EU destroys drone

In May, United States attempted to deploy and destroy a drone in full force over the Pacific. “With this new advanced capability, we are redefining the war in the sea for the Armada,” the commander of the USS Portland bucket declared.

Alarms were raised between North American militaries in February of the year the Marina announced that a Chinese war bell had broken into a United States plane during a reconnaissance flight in Guam, the Pacific, and the east. detected by the sensors of the hub. For its part, Russia will present at the end of 2018 the powerful cane las Peresvet, capable of deriving objectives “in fractional seconds”.


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