El Covid y la Eutanasia, claves del Congreso de Deontología

Raúl Calvo, Juan José Rodríguez Sendín and Tomás Cobo.

El General Council of Superior Medical Colleges (Cgcom) has presented this Wednesday the program of VII Congress of Deontology which arranges these fires in Toledo and which has six months of debate.

Tomás Cobo, President of the Collegiate Medical Organization (OMC), has stated that he has some say in the WTO, that is the Medical Deontology. “This is the Visibility Congress on current issues facing the world“, ha detached.

For its part, Raúl Calvo, Secretary-General of the Collegio of Medical of Toledo, noted that we already have a “very important” moment from the ethics of medicine to the Covid-19 pandemic called the situation appraisal “which will be required during this Congress”.

The President of the Central Committee of Deontology of Cgcom, Juan José Rodríguez Sendín, has stated that, if there is anything good that has been able to overcome the sanitary crisis, it is our duty to adapt to the new situations. “We can make this Congress a success in our work, as it is a radical change that we are celebrating,” said Rodríguez Sendín, detailing the contents of six months in accordance with the Congress.

Debate VII Congress of Deontology

The first of them is the relation to the Conscience petition one week has been approved by the Ley de Eutanasia, “that it is ahí” y “is not treated as a ballad question” can can generate “moral conflicts” to Spanish medicine.

The second is marked within the need of prioritize patient assistance, reflecting on the abandonment of the “suerte” diseases during the covid-19 pandemic.

The third radical radius in the ethical and deontological obligations of medical directors. In this sense, Sendín has underlined that “if you are a doctor, you will not be excluded from this obligation”.

Posteriorly, it will reflect the telemedicine has “broken down for good” during the Covid-19 pandemic. “Ha venido para quedarse”, consideran los profesionales.

The fifth month deals with distributive justice and deontology in the access to medicines and vacancies in front of Covid-19. “The doctors have made a great compromise with this,” Rodríguez Sendín said, referring to the “unjustified” distribution of Covid vehicles around the world.

The Congress will close a month that will address the negationism that “devalued” the medical criterion and that it had risen from the pandemic.

Although it contains statements, dates or appointments of institutions or health care professionals, the information contained in Redacción Médica is edited and elaborated by periodicals. We recommend to the reader that any relationship with the health be consulted with a health care professional.
