El chaos depara las renuncias: las secretarias de Educación en Transporte laat vaar ‘n Trump | US Elections

The secretaries of EE UU Transport, Elaine Chao, and Donald Trump, in a meeting in 2017.
The secretaries of EE UU, Elaine Chao, and Donald Trump, in a meeting in 2017.BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI / AFP

The Capitol’s call for Donald Trump’s followers has crossed all the red lines, including some of the allies who have defended their heads and heads. The secretaries of Education, Betsy DeVos, and Transport, Elaine Chao, will announce the resignation of these Jews, citing the role of the mandate in the chaos caused by the turmoil in the capital due to turmoil arranged by the President to march on Congress celebrates a session to confirm to Joe Biden.

Tanto DeVos as Chao is one of the officials who lived most of the time in Trump’s Cabinet and the mayor’s rank that he announced his resignation over the violent events of the markets. His greetings were summed up in the bills of the governor of Gobierno that he dropped between the schools and the Jews and consolidated the progressive Islam of the mandate in less than two weeks to start the Casa Blanca, a list that, following the rumors in Washington, state seguir engrosándose.

The Secretariat of Education announces its resignation and receives a card sent to the President that is published. “There is no doubt about the impact that his rhetoric has had on the situation and for me it is a point of inflection,” DeVos wrote, “and his decision has been effective in the same way.” She has one of Trump’s most powerful defenders, but in the last few days she has distanced herself from her theories of the conspiracy to reconquer Biden’s victory. In its communication, it is said that the disturbances are affecting the “logs of its administration”.

More specifically, the Secretarial Transport Secretariat “traumatic and totally avoidable events” of the markets as the motive for its renunciation. Announcing his decision, Elaine Chao, who was involved with the leader of the Republicans in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, justifying that the disturbances in the Capitol, that he had four deaths, made a response to the fact that Trump celebrated the anniversary of the high school and dijo que era algo que no podía ignar.

His reunion was criticized by New York Democratic congressman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who lamented that Gabinete’s official was working to get him to walk the 25ª mark to get to Trump. “In these altars, the renunciations do not serve much more than an intention to delay personal supervision,” he wrote in his Twitter account. According to press releases published on Wednesday, some of Gobierno’s members of Trump are discussing calling the 25ª election in order to raise money before he accepts the mandate of the next 20 years, as he demanded the Democrats, but this mechanism implies that the vice Mike Pence described this extreme.

The schools, meanwhile Washington is living a year of unprecedented disturbances in the coronation of the state political power, various officials have announced that it will drop its charges, between them the president’s ex-wife’s wife and have the first lady’s office giveaway secret office by Sarah Matthews and the Social Secretary of the White House Rickie Niceta. Also announcing the release of Governor Matt Pottinger, Deputy Governor of National Security, said that other National Security Assessors, Robert O’Brien and Chris Liddell, were planning to resign, according to information CNN.

These jewels are also known as Ryan Tully’s senior President of Europe and Russia’s President, while Trump’s cabinet chief, Mick Mulvaney, who has been a Jew, owns a diplomatic cargo in Northern Ireland, too. announcement of Gobierno’s salida. ‘There can be no such thing as ayer. It is not possible to see what happens and think: I want to be part of it in some way, ”he said in an interview with CNBC.

Other members of the president’s cabinet are raising their criticisms of Trump. The secretary of National Security for Functions, Chad Wolf, has issued a statement stating that the accounts of the “tragic and repugnant” markets. “Imploro that the president and the elective authorities firmly condemn the violence of ayer,” Wolf said. Without embarrassment, it has been said that it will take over the year 20 to ensure that a correct transition is implemented with Joe Biden’s team. The most expensive thing to do with the mandate was to show the ex-fiscal general, William Barr, who passed my pass to his cargo, and who described Trump’s conduct as an “exercise in the office that occupies his office.” “Orquestar a las turbas para meter prisón al Congreso is inexcusable”, ha wrote in a communication sent to the agency AP.

The end of the Congressional and Biden Confirmation Session at the Congress will also serve to escalate Trump’s political ally’s commitment, which is only to be done with the sole intention of stretching the legal framework for power. His number two, Mike Pence, planted the mandate on Wednesday to prevent him from contributing to his boycott in the ratification of the president-elect in the comics, as the vice-president had to direct the parliamentary session. Additionally, various congressmen who have been involved with the president’s ally, such as McConnell or the Secretary of State of Sur Lindsey Graham, also support the confirmation of the Democrats.

Despatches to use his followers with the theories of the conspiracy of electoral fraud that he has not demonstrated, the president fled to the White House and has not escaped entourage. Each time more solely and silently by the social speeches that censor its accounts in order not to incite violence, the mandate sends a statement to the Madrugada de jueves, after which the Congress confirms the victory of Biden, in which it wants to protest as a result, it is compromised to a transition of “ordered” powders on the 20th of January. As of Thursday, more than 24 hours have passed since the Capitol has been indignant at the violations and allegations that the insurgency is profaning the state of democratic democracy and that there are already those involved in acts of violence committed by him.

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