El Capitolio tampoco pagaba agua y debe casi $ 830 mil a la AAA

It is believed that the Capitol has a concept of services that is not paid in the quarter past million. Only the Authorization of Acueducto and Alcantarillado (AAA), has $ 829,412.90 corresponding to the water service.

The President of the Chamber of Deputies, Rafael “Tatito” Hernández Montañez, has just revealed that he should pay the Electricity Authority (AEE) from $ 2,897,492.20.

Hernández Montañez hopes that even if he fails to pay the debt, he will apply to the AAA and AEE. .

“Our occupation is a negative news that we are commemorating the work of the Legislative Assembly and curtailing water and light. No era acceptable either ”, añadió.

Explained that “the Electricity Authority notifies us that no payments have actually been made in the previous quarter”, he said.

No le cortarán la luz al Capitolio a pesar de millonaria deuda con la AEE
