El baile de las luciérnagas: Johnny, la razón de la pelea entre Tully y Kate, según teoría | Firefly Lane | Netflix Series nnda nnlt | FAMA

El baile de las luciérnagas”Is based on a 2008 issue of the same issue, but it will change the program of Netflix with respect to the book? The author of “Firefly Lane”, Kristin Hannah, was the co – producer of Netflix’s adaptation of his book and, following the information, insisted that he did not change his mind, but the program will always follow the book.

MORE INFORMATION: Differences between the Netflix series and the novel by Kristin Hannah

However, there are many other adaptations of cinema and television, “El baile de las luciérnagas“It’s out of place material original in many minor points, but also there are some very significant changes that could change the mysticism of the book, but also could change into an equal product of exit without being ideological.

If a variety of characters are added and others will be removed, then some will be added important events of life of the protagonists who are inserted to add drama and intrigue to the program of Netflix. Por estos motivos, algunos fans are confirming that they are confirming the big event history original.

MORE INFORMATION: Here is the book by “Firefly Lane”, by Kristin Hannah

Get rid of the skin that hurts Tully y Kate, a great force that destroyed his home that lasted decades. In the book of Kristin Hannah explained with detail what succeeds, but the series of “El baile de las luciérnagas”Podría presents an event a different pooch, referring to Johnny as the main protagonist of the conflict.


Johnny could be the culprit of everything without a trace (Photo: Netflix)
Johnny could be the culprit of everything without a trace (Photo: Netflix)

As mentioned earlier, the fans were impressed by the great adaptation of Netflix al libro de Kristin Hannah, although it is always guiaron to the letter of the letter that passes in its written version. For information on its followers, the tampoco program summarizes the totality of the book.

The first time of “El baile de las luciérnagasNo shared bathroom details about the rupture in the amidad of Kate y Tully, he is more central to his childhood and his career in chains. In the finale of Part 1 of the series, it is revealed that both have a huge problem that finalizes its most 30 years of love.

An theory that points to Johnny tendría algo que ver en la adaptation de Netflix. If the book is well explored it is from the point of view of Tully, who believes that a good one Kate, invite to your interview program from the day mal parada frente a toda su audience haciéndola ver como una mala madre.

Johnny worked as the romantic interest of Tully and Kate (Photo: Netflix)
Johnny worked as the romantic interest of Tully and Kate (Photo: Netflix)

Sondeverbod, if the series of Netflix wanted to go to another store, could include Johnny in the evacuation, with Tully durmiendo con el futuro ex-marido de Kate. The reason is reminiscent of the form in which Kate manipulates the first romantic encounter of Tully with Johnny. Although she and Johnny no established official “together“, Kate todavía estaba extremadamente herida por las acciones de Tully.

Entonces, si Tully train to Kate in the middle of his divorce, believing that todavía is algo by Johnny, is extended by what Kate do not want to have anything to do with Tully at the moment of his life. Engañar a Kate one time, the culpa is suya. ¿Engañarla dos veces? This powder has provoked the reaction that took place at the funeral of his father.

Johnny could be the motto of the play between Kate and Tully, a theory (Photo: Netflix)
Johnny could be the motto of the play between Kate and Tully, a theory (Photo: Netflix)

Now, the program also has the power to make this problem a mayor, exploring a more amusing triangle between these three characters. I love it Johnny has a large papel in the sentimental conflict of Tully y Kate, because it could have the potential to replace what the book describes as the bulk of these best friends.

But if the book of “Firefly Lane“It’s an indication of the future that Aguarda has another theme in the history of the false track of the program on the death of Tully. For now, only that will hope for the next episodes, that the series has creative freedom with respect to its production by having the same author retreat from it.

The time 2 of
Time 2 of “The bailout of the lucerne” should explain what happened in the past (Photo: Netflix)
