¿Ejercicio o dieta? What we say is a study on the increase of weight in the nines of the Amazon

A young shuar llena de agua un guaje en el río.  (Samuel S. Urlacher via The New York Times)

A young shuar llena de agua un guaje en el río. (Samuel S. Urlacher via The New York Times)

Following a new and fascinating study on nines in Ecuador, since the nineteenth-century nineteen, it is most likely that the cause is as dizzying as the lack of activity. The study compares the living styles, diets and corporeal composition of the Amazonian nests that live in rural communities that are fed by the collection of other indigenous nines that live in certain cities, and the incidence results in the crescentes of obesity both in children as in adults all over the world.

The study found the depth that the nines of the rural areas that corren, juan and collect food during hours, are more delgadious and active than their urban areas. But no one burns more calories in the day and day, a surprise that Relax the modernized diets of urban children with their weight gain. The results also también plantean incognito about the interaction between physical activity and metabolism and by which the owner helped to lose weight, not only in the children but also in the rest of us.

The theme of infantile obesity is of great interest at the global level, and its incidence has been increasing, including in communities that were previously common. Investigators report the rise in infancy and childbirth as well as the causes of weight gain among young people. Without embarrassment, it does not know which of these problems are most important, whether it is inactivation or superstition, and it is important, as signaled by the investigators of the obesity, because we can respond in a way that has a sanitary crisis and we do not know its causes .

This interrogation draws the interest of Sam Urlacher, Professor of Anthropology at the University of Baylor, in Waco, Texas, who has been studying the public for some time. This indigenous population of the Ecuadorian Amazon is dedicated to all the collection, housing, fishing and subsistence agriculture. His jornadas his duras and demand physically, his diet is abundant in plantain, plantain machos and similar foods and his body is delgado. Los shuar, in particular los niños, rara vez tienen sobrepeso. Tampoco suelen estar desnutridos.

No obstacle, Urlacher’s question: Does its complexity increase when it comes to its active assets? As a graduate student, working with Herman Pontzer, Professor of Evolutionary Anthropology at the University of Duke, he conducts research at how evolution can have molded our metabolisms and vice versa.

A young woman loads up the alchemy food as part of the tradition of eating and collecting the ethnic part of the Ecuadorian Amazon.  (Samuel S. Urlacher via The New York Times)

A young woman loads up the alchemy food as part of the tradition of eating and collecting the ethnic part of the Ecuadorian Amazon. (Samuel S. Urlacher via The New York Times)

In the pioneer investigation of Pontzer with the hadzas, a tribune of tanzania and collectors of Tanzania, he discovered that, although the members of the tribune move with frequency during the day, to hunt, cavar, transport and cook, Quemaban approximately the same number of total calories as the western ones, much more sedentary.

Pontzer concludes that, during evolution, human beings must have developed an innate and inconsistent capacity for redesign the power of our body. If we eat a lot of calories with, for example, physical activity, then we have less with some other biological system, such as the reproduction of human resources. The result is that our energetic guest diary is maintained within a franchise of total calories, utilized to avoid initiation between the active storage-collectors, but to slow down for those of us in the modern world who will discover more , by haberla (Pontzer’s new book on the subject, “Burn”, will be published on March 2).

Pontzer’s work is centered entirely on the adults of the ethnic group, but Urlacher asks if there are similar metabolic compensations in the nines, including between the traditional showers. Thus, for a 2019 study, we met the energy efficiency of some of the young men and compared the total number of calories that we have with the existing dates on the daily calories that we have relatively sedentary (and with much more) of Estados Unidos y Reino Unido. Y los totals val saam. Although juveniles are very much more active, there are no more calories in general.

Without embarrassment, Urlacher was aware that the young men were differentiated by the Mayor of the western nine in both aspects, including genetics, who interpreted the results of this study were a challenge. We also know that we have a group of well-equipped children who have a long journey in canoeing, belong to the families who have been transferred to a certain commercial city. Sus hijos iban a la escuela con regularidad y comian alimentos comprados, pero seguían siendo shuar.

Therefore, for the most recent study published in January in The Journal of Nutrition, his colleagues and he considered the permission of the families of this ethnic group, as rural as relatively urban, to be precise about the corporeal composition and energetic guest of 77 of his birthdays between 4 and 12 years, while following his activities with accelerometers and recopilating dates about what he sees.

The urban slums will result in a mayor weighing in on rural areas. The author of a third of their tenuous sovereignty, according to the criteria of the World Health Organization. It does not live in the nines of the rural areas. In general, lthe urban areas are also more sedentary. Without embarrassment, all children (rural or urban, active or inactive) have more or less the same amount of daily calories.

What is most different is your diet. The nests of the commercial city comian much more carnal and lactic products that the rural nines, in addition to consuming new foods for them, for example the white arrow, as well as many processed foods, like the dulces. In general, it is more and more modern than the camp’s nines, and this diet, concludes Urlacher and his colleagues, is the one that contributes the most to a mayor’s weight.

This article originally appeared in The New York Times.


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