Ejercicio intenso o moderado: ¿cuál reporta más beneficios?

It can be the most demanding for many of us at sea the most brief, following a new and provocative study that compares the benefits to the health of short and intense training intervals, with the most large and sweet training.

The studio, published in Medicine and science in sport and exercise, concludes that each approach to exercise has its ups and downs, whereas the effects on arterial pressure, corporal force and other aspects of metabolism can be major in the maintenance of endurance training, de hora y moderados, which trainings at fast intervals.

As we know that fitness, high-intensity interval training, or HIIT (in English, High Intensity Interval Training), is sedoror, is fashionable and is a frequent theme of this column, as well as seniority. .

The HIIT, a mix of Extremely periodic periods of intense self-esteem following one of the minutes of descent, it is fast and powerful, and the studies show that a few minutes – including seconds – of training intervals can increase the health and longevity of the people for a long time.

But there are many questions to answer about the relative winds of fast intervals in front of the most traditional aerobic training courses, such as take a step back, take a bike ride, especially if some are dedicated only to a type of ownership and not to another.

Frequent moderate ejaculation occurs in major arteries under control of arterial pressure and glucose.  Photo Shutterstock.

Frequent moderate ejaculation occurs in major arteries under control of arterial pressure and glucose. Photo Shutterstock.

Thus, recently, the owners of the Guelph University of Ontario, in Ontario, have been studying how to change the body of people and train exclusively at intervals and with moderate and moderate training, following the actual training.

Curiously, many previous studies comparing HIIT routines and moderate-length training sessions have not given the formal recommendations for ownership, however, scientists should consider the frequency of training and other exercises. As such, the volunteers of these studies will be available three weeks a week, and will be completed within minutes of HIIT or the time spent on a light-hearted walk.

Peru the age of ownership for each type of activity difieren. The medical and sports groups suggest that we do not train at intervals of more than three weeks per week, to avoid the sobreesfuerzo of the muscles y cardiovascular systems, which mean that if we are solitary with HIIT, we will be inactive for about two months or less. The comparable pawns for moderate ownership suggest sucking and moving at least five weeks a week and lasting less than 30 minutes each time.

As Guelph’s scientists think: ‘What if the HIIT people did three days a week and did not have another type of ownership of the other house, or did they train five times a week?

To averiguarlo, first recruiteron to 23 male adults sedentary and with sobrepeso. Geen incluyeron a mujeres, by the preoccupation with which the menstrual cycles affect the metabolic results, pero esperan include the mujeres in some future experiment of mayor envergadura.

We invite you to work in the laboratory, mediate your physical condition, corporeal composition and arterial pressure, and let them take care of large amounts of grass in order to respond to nutrient metabolism. Also colocaron monitors sugar in blood for those living in a cage during a week and then has his diary control of blood sugar, a medium of metabolic health.

In continuation, we will work with the men who are working to carry out training at weekly intervals in static bicycles in the laboratory, pedaleando lo más fuerte posible durante 30 segundos, descending minutes and repeating this sequence of four to six weeks.

The other men will start a typical program of moderate exercise, and ride a bicycle in the laboratory five times a week in a rhythm that can be maintained comfortably. lasting 30 to 40 minutes.

In the course of the six weekly semesters, the HIIT group pedals intensively for a total of one month, while the moderate intensity group takes place during the 2.5 months each week during the same period.

At the end of the six weeks, both groups will work in the laboratory to carry out new tests, while the sciences will examine the results in search of disparities. Encontraron much like.


All of these men are more in shape, and more or less in the same medium, Independently of the ownership that hubieran realized. Pero only the group of moderate ownership is dependent on much grass korporaal, habían mejorado su arterial pressure o eran más capacities de metabolizar la grass extra del batido untuoso.

The most interesting quiz is that the control of sugar in each case is better only in the days in which it is needed, it is said, three times a week for those who have HIIT and five for the moderate group. The rest of the slides, the levels of sugar in blood tend to increase.

In addition, the Indian results show that the intervals and the traditional altercation of our body have different divergent ways, and it is possible that we would like to see what we hope to have with the time to choose the hacerlo way, Professor Jamie Burr of the University of Guelph, who conducted the new study with his graduate student Heather Petrick and other colleagues.

“All ownership is good”, dijo Burr. Pero “hay mats”. Frequent moderate exercise, such as diarrhea, can be preferred to increase arterial pressure and continuous monitoring of blood sugar, compared to the frequent, frequent dice, while a HIIT small is likely to be in shape with the misma efficacy que hours and hours of pedalo more easy or un esfuerzo sprinkled.

For supuesto, this studio fue ‘n pequeña escala ya corto plazo, and in it participates solo mobres con sobrepeso and fuera de forma, for which we can be sure that the results are applied to the rest of the population. But the main lesson appears to be widely applicable.

“Moved with frequency”, says Burr, which means that if he has HIIT, he will burn.

By Gretchen Reynolds © The New York Times
