Eiza González sells his bicycle and he caught it on video

The actress Eiza González show in his social speeches an example of the distraction is the only enemy of any; pues published comi sufrió un caida mientras paseaba en bicicleta con een amigo suyo que la iba grabando.

Eiza al darse cuent que su amigo ‘Dave’ la filmaba comenzó a posar y agarró la bicycle with a single hand. All you have to do is quiso volver a colocar su mano en el manubrio, then the balance fell and ended up on the floor.

“Because I am free … Free Book. I’m oh oh no to me David Appleton ”, write the famous to accompany the grabación which is the cause of the preoccupation and the rise of her friend ‘Dave’.

Eiza González posit mientras andaba en bici

In dicho video you can appreciate the guapa actress with a clear templates, a calcetas and white tennis combined with a sweet gray and a gorro, the cual is accommodated at posar front of the room of his companion.

Without embarrassment, the Mexican has a lot of humor and has posted in his Instagram stories a version in room slow of that which passes while passing through the calf.

Además, Eiza lamentó la lost of his café helado, cual cayó al piso a la par de ella, cuando perdio el equilibrio.

Asi fue su caída:

The celebrity artist also posted a snapshot of a conversation with his mother, who showed off preoccupied for her, and the question about whether she has a casualty is that she takes the grab, and that the actress responds to the risks she has.

‘Obvio. How to get started caerme, the Eiza contest to his mother.

In this image, too, one can appreciate that the famous siguió takes place with humor the words of his mother, to write: “I do not have to pay for the proposal”.

Eiza González's mother dared to take part in the event
